My 80yr old neighbour called round earlier this evening with a parcel that was addressed to her that she hadn't ordered. The name of the catalogue company is Very and she has never even heard of them....
While working with Mr. Xxxxxx, I have always found him working studiously and sincerely at his table without gossiping with colleagues in the office. He seldom wastes his time on useless things. Given...
My dog had fleas beginning of June, been to vet 3 times since and after 3 flea treatments (Frontline twice and recently Advantix) still has fleas, had house done twice as well, please please can any1...
The fashion.....
Blast from the past for those who were lucky enough to be young then :0)
Miss Moss : High school fashions, 1969
Just been served citation to attend court 1 at the high court end of July !!! always managed to get out of this as was a civil servant in a legal Dept...hope I do not get picked as this court only...
A charity I support was giving a talk tonight. St.Pancras Past and Present. I love architecture, history and St.Pancras so just up my street I thought. Now this chap gives two talks. The...
Young smow can in from sports day today and looked ever so upset but insisted nothing was wrong. After a while eventually burst into tears and said that on the way home on bus this gang of girls and...
Is the Euro 2012 football final on Sunday on both main channels. In the whole of the UK, what percentage want it on both channels. In fact what percentage want it on any channel. Unfortunately I...
Will this sell or if you buy, end up in the cupboard like the George Foreman Grill?
I dont have probs with my butter straight from the fridge.
I have been dying my hair for about 7/8 years, always permanent and today I have had enough, I am pretty close to my natural colour (which is a dark dirty blonde) but I really can't be bothered dying...
I've got a skin tag on my chest, had it for years. So today I decided in my wisdom, to tie a bit of thread round it to kill the bugger off. Anyway, it's now looking a bit angry and is weeping a bit -...
I stupidly didn't realise I'd left my handbag in the living room when we went out earlier. When we came back, the pup had chewed a bit of my diary (fair enough - my fault), but I looked by his bed and...
Is it ok to use greaseproof paper rather than baking parchment for cooking meringue for pavlova? The recipe I have says baking parchment is better but I don't have any - only greaseproof! Don't want...
I have been asked out to a birthday lunch from a man I met a year ago. I dont know him well as we have only really said hello, only seen him about half a dozen times in passing. I saw him yesterday in...
We live in new terraced houses with small gardens and everytime our neighbours go in there garden for a cigarette , there cigarette smoke comes through our kitchen window and patio door into our...