Daughter , sil and grandchildren coming from York today. Left York at 9.00a.m. and have just turned back as there is no way of getting to Anglesey at all. We are marooned!. Son no 1 hopes to get back...
Can you help please? Arrive at scene of action and be promoted 4,2, 3, 5. I have c?m? t? t?? ???n?. Some of the later inmates had a purgative drug [8] ??a?e?i?.
new material for gaming table , some say [10] ???e?c?o?h. the second letter might be r. Greencloth fits but I don't see why. Introduction on swelling disease going in front [7,3] l???i?? ?u? leading...
Stuck on last two. Shook and caused public concern [9]???t?t?d. Is it agitated? Pip to make a grating sound first on the coarse rock [9] ??i?s?o? Is it something stone? Any help gratefully received....
Struggling today. Can anybody help with these two please. Strainer coming from cell under review [9]. Thought it was an anagram but solver comes up with no answer. I have c?l?e?d?r. Non-moving part to...
Please can you help me with my last one. I'm sure that its staring me in the face but cannot see it. Very fine work of distinction! [9'5] s?l????i?g ?a?r?
This is the cryptic crossword in our local paper today but I am sure that I have done it recently in the Daily Mail. Can't remember what I put for this last one. go between reached channels' high...
Can anyone help please? Requiring oxygen for singular rhythmic exercise [7] ?e???i?. Main force [3,5] s?a ???e? sea? The second letter of the main force second word is the fourth letter of the oxygen...