I really don't understand why people dislike cats. They are innocent little bundles of love. They are obedient and sweet and ..... I suppose that I should type something about them that is actually...
Defence PART 3 Chapter 6 page 232 Scotland has been home to one of the largest concentrations of nuclear weapons anywhere in the world, despite consistent and clear opposition from across civic...
We're thinking this is probably the best way to combine horses and dragons: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SnzVcOuj2t0/T9It7MXt31I/AAAAAAAAAFw/QOwTJLjyCuk/s400/image001.jpg Or we could go for this:...
Good morning everyone. A brand new day, a brand new year. Happy 2014 everyone. xx I'll start you with a lyric and you add one of your own . Play nicely and have fun. cupid04.xx I'll start you with:-...
If the Scots can have a referendum to split from England, why can't the English have one too - to split from Scotland? And why not Wales while we're at it? The Scots and Welsh national sport is...
5d Furies on a bender :evil (9)
14d Went down as well as this , did it? Like hell it did ! (1,4)
6d Last edition of a film ? (5,3)
11a way up North ,where the white man's rush was on (6)...
1. To pry cunningly. 2. Hoodwink. 3. This girl of a skinny type is broken and confused. 4. In a round about way this popular shopping venue is in the east. I've got the same answer - Lynx - for 2...
Like a speaker perhaps, in so many words(7)????o??.
Middle Eastern found rails ie twisted(7)I??????.
Stood for what seller was angry about (11)????e?????? ....
25th January - Hope you have a great Burns Night tonight. Here is Dundee's very own Michael Marra singing the poetry of Scotland's bard. Hope you enjoy...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io-n-WIcj_M...