I sent a letter to the court of human rights in Strasbourg with regards to the local council as I have been fighting them since 1995 regarding council tax benefit, I received the forms to put an...
We're going to Dublin for a couple of days in May. I've got to wait a week or so before I can book the hotel so haven't booked any flights yet but I've checked some prices out with Ryanair which work...
http://tinyurl.com/4nasdy5 Can't remember who first pointed this out in my previous post, because it was removed, or at least I could not find it when I went back to it. Anyway this should make some...
http://tinyurl.com/6feypw7 Once when the bulb blew in your light and one had no replacement on hand, one could pop down to their store and for a few pence one could select an identical replacement...
Have just got back from seeing True Grit - really enjoyed it The young girl in it is brilliant. Wouldn't have watched the original as I couldn't stand John Wayne but Granddad G enjoyed them both. Only...
http://tinyurl.com/6jexs9o Called a racist because he had never experienced racism and was also accused of ‘stigmatising black people’. No this person was not white he is Ben Douglas a...
Is a film is released in 3D, would you really 3D glasses ? I am interested in Drive Angry but am not bothered to see it in 3D, couldn't I just watch it without the glasses ? As you can tell, I have...
Have you abandoned a film recently (or in the past) for some reason eg. it upset you, it was crap or pointless in some other way. I've just abandoned "I Robot" about 3/4 of the way in. My...
Has anyone else seen both of them and which did you prefer? I thought Megamind was better all round, better storyline, characters and was genuinely funny. Best animated film for years, excluding the...
Hi all, I am hoping you can give me some advice. My daughter (age19) has worked in a cafe within a small shopping centre since the day after her 16th birthday. The owner of the mall and cafe has had...
http://www.dailymail....tml?ito=feeds-newsxml Would you be happy to sample ? Afterall we drink cows milk - dont we ? We digest human bodily fluids by for example, kissing dont we - tongues and all ?...
Anyone been to the Cinema to see this Film yet ? It has been getting very good reviews and I will buy it when it comes out on DVD. The Fighter is also getting good reviews, any opinions on this as it...