What a mistake -went there today. BIG mistake -they have those 'Dulano mini nuggets' in the chill -well i thought -as I am so good with my diet I cioud have a couple -I swear they are the mosr delish...
my pup still occasionally does her business in the house, although, i tried to clean the floor as soon as possible, still draw few flies into the house, how can i get rid of them? any spray...
who has posted my number up on here?! this f*cking sucks delete it immediately Ed! There are 2 people who know my number on here which were leg and 4GS and since leg has just phoned me to see if it...
been for a pint today with an old friend who I have not seen in over 20 years (went through high school with him and then lost touch about 5 yrs later). We are both from Stoke and yet he had a...
it is no joke. I do have cancer. I was just trying to squeeze the lump and luckily it turned out to be a cyste and the puss spurted all over the excrement on the floor and at that exact moment in time...
I've been invited down to London for an overnight trip - the kids are away, I'm single, work's finished for the summer - however, all in, it's going to cost about ?200... How can I justify this? It...
I didn't just ignore your reply on the "own business" thread. I've bought a barbecue, and my friends had picked it up for me (MGF a bit crap for that sort of thing) and they just turned up with it. So...
i have just fealt another lump in my breast earlier. I took 5 valium and must have slipped off my wheelchair. My face was in a pool of my own excrement when i awoke. It was partialy in my mouth and...