When a loved one passes away obviously it's an extremely distressing time. However, (and I say that lighlty) if I truly believed in God and heaven and that I would see my dearly departed again in...
I didn't know it was possible to tell the gender of a foetus so early in a pregnancy. My daughter had her dating scan last week and she is 13 weeks +3 days.The sonographer said that the baby is...
one of my mates just lost her virginity today and the stupid girl did not use protection. HOWEVER. the guy she was with is not the most fertile person. age 35+, ex smoker, drinker. he did not blow his...
For what i can gather this will be won by the most "helpful" poster? Ethel is undoubtedly very helpful and knowledable so it begs the question will she win the prize most weeks? Surely being witty and...
While I was out at lunch today, some minging pigeon pooed all over me!! Couldnt believe it!! All down the side of my face and all over my coat!!! I thort someone threw something at me! still in shock,...
Hi! I wouldn't normally post a thread for someone in particular, but I think he clearly deserves some recognition! lol He talked about me wanting to teach French to some of his colleagues, and got me...
My beautiful sister gave birth to a gorgeous 8.5lb baby born this morning and i can honestly say i have never felt so much happiness... I was just wondering though why does auntie have two different...
Jasper Carrott said that looking at a balding man with a ponytail from behind, seemed like the cat had climbed inside the Chtistmas turkey. So what do you think about this, attractive or naff?