I have recently downloaded Firefox.It's working fine except for getting my google emails,When I click on gmail a page comes up to inform me that the page isn't redirecting properly and suggests it may...
I have a bowel virus and have been prescribed Lansoprazol ,Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin.Tonight is the 5th night of a 7 day course.I will be 80 this month and for the last 4 nights I have not been...
i am getting 4-5 calls a day on my mobile from an automated call saying " This call is for (mentions my name) from Tesco bank.please press any number" their number is 08453666675. I delete it...
My daughters old car is taxed but off the road and never used as she drives her husbands 4x4.She has comprehensive 1nsurance on her car and uses that for third party cover when driving the 4x4.It...
My Granddaughter has gone Ski-ing for a week so she has lent me her Netflix.Yesterday I watched 4 hours of film with it connected to my MiFi.Got a shock today when i discovered I had used 9gb in one...
The main stopcock to my home is on the pavement 8 houses down the road,so when turned off it affects other homes.I have had a water meter fitted in my garden ,could i use this to turn off the mains as...
Just wondered what other Aber's thoughts are on the latest family holiday advert by booking .com.I thought that the use of the word booking was at times inappropriate at breakfast time.I nearly spilt...
OMG My start up has become very sloooooow,it can take 3-4 minutes I have tried re-installing but it made no difference. Nothing new has been down loaded.Any ideas anyone?
My holiday static has a 13 amp socket situated 6 inch above a central heating radiator.It's in the spare bedroom and I use it to plug in my MiFi broadband adapter.We have had the CH on lately...
I use MiFi to connect to my laptop and wife's tablet.Reception is excellent at our caravan,however lately my laptop keeps disconnecting whilst the Tablet is OK.I'm assuming that it's my laptops...
I have purchased a 32 ltr, cool box and 2 x 400 gram ice packs.How many ice packs do you think I will need to keep the food frozen for 2 and a half hours.