My apple tree is coming up for its fourth summer and for the last three years has been covered in ants.Am I right in thinking that you can buy greasebands to put around the base of the tree to stop...
Made my mind up I want to go to southern Ireland next year.Want to rent a cottage as near to the sea as possible and would like some ideas,ie,websites or reccomendations from people who have already...
I currently have a hamster as a pet (called Rambo, don't ask!).For my next pet i would like a leopard gecko,i think they are beautiful animals and i would like some advice on how to keep one.Such as...
I don't particularly need them because i am doing quite well on my own.But i would like to buy more houses since i only have one with a six car capacity.If any one could help i would be grateful.
Got some rellies coming over next weekend and want to impress them as I usually just do a roast dinner. Decided to do antipasto as a starter and wondered what to serve with the bits I have already...
I have my 40th birthday approaching next May(2008) and want to get away as I dont want any fuss or cards with 40 on them.I love snow and cold weather as I am very hot blooded and want to go away for a...
My Mum and I today helped an elderly man who had fallen in the snow and could not get up.People had actually walked past him and did nothing ! I was furious but had to put my anger aside to help this...
Can anyone explain how Slimming World works. I want a rough idea before I join up.I had little success with Weight Watchers and have tried tons of other diets to no avail.Apparently Slimming World is...
My apple tree has lots of new shoots coming from it already.I assume the mild winter we are having has contributed to this,but I am wondering if it will bear fruit any earlier ? The apples are usually...
Can anyone settle an argument for me ? My hubby(who is crap with faces)is adamant that the other bloke in the new Martini ad is Dom out of Dick and Dom in the Bungalow.I am sure he is wrong.
I am most peeved again to see that Catherine Tate lost out to Little Britain at The National Television Awards.I think she is an absolute genius, I especially love Grandma.Little Britain has its good...
I am happy with my over all shape but would like to lose my belly and reduce my waist.I am not a skinny minny,I am a size 16 with big boobs,but I am in proportion.I will never be thin and thank god...
My back garden is low maintenence having a patio,path and the rest is gravelled.I have recently got rid of all of the summer plants from my containers and I am wondering what to plant to replace them...
I saw Great Food Live today and the almond rice pudding was made and looked lovely.Went onto their website but could not get a recipe for it, or the name of the chef. Can anyone help ? Going shopping...
I suffer with lower back pain and have done all of my life.Painkillers help but I don't want to take them all of the time as they upset my stomach.Want to try reflexology but I am a bit sceptical....
Any one out there been lucky enough to visit Whitby recently ? It's my favourite place in the WORLD and as I live in Derby I don't get there too often. Going for a week at Christmas as usual but that...
Does this count as a reality show ? I really love it as the people on it actually develop a skill.Can't wait for next series-a week on Sat I think.Also X-Factor,you know the nights are drawing in when...
Know this is odd but I watched a film a few years back and think the title is Wild Horses can't Fly. I have a vague memory of what it was about.I remember a circus act which was basically a boy on a...
Is it only me that hates the hot weather ? I look forward to winter so much , I love snow , frost , and cold winds. I suffer with a constant high body temperature all year round so even warm weather...