You could offer a prize each month for the question which gets the most replies/answers.Only something small like a voucher or free day out theme park pass.Only a suggestion from a frequent...
We have looked at having a conservatory and it will be a massive job as the boiler has to be moved , the boiler vent is in the way, bla,bla,bla.Hubby came up with the idea of a summer house , they...
Did anyone see Countryfile this morning? They had a photographic competition where viewers sent in their photos of the countryside and weather conditions. They are compiling a 2007 calendar with the...
Hello there everybody , Wonder if someone can help me ? .My hubbies sis gets married next Fri(8th Sep). We have gone all out on outfits,shoes,accessories,wedding gifts etc and I cannot afford a...
My brother's ex has taken their three year old son out of the country for a holiday and would not tell him where they have gone.My brother is really upset by this but is too scared to take any action...
Just sorted a holiday out with my auntie and uncle for next year.They live in Toronto and we are going to stay with them for 2 weeks next summer.What must I not miss ?????????
I was always shouted at as a kid ,always by Mum,and she threw anything at you if she got mad and IF she could catch you ,you got belted (slapped). I have only had one child who is now 12,soon to be 13...
Does it really work ? Suffer every month from usual 'ladies' pains so bad it puts me in bed.Nothing works up to now.If I thought reflexology would work I WOULD TRY IT !!!!!!!!!
If you know Whitby well then you will know the name of the shop I am about to tell you about.It is on Sandgate and has groovy clothes and bags hanging outside of it.When you enter it smells all...
My son badgered me for ages to let him have a pet so I caved in and got him a hamster.Its a lovely white fluffy one with red eyes,although I would say its MY hamster(novelty worn off and all that).He...
Going to our favourite haunt as usual this year but will have others with us this year.Need lots to do, bearing in mind I think we have done most of it over the years,and thought about some country...
Anyone else out there been today ? We had a cracking day.Loads of cars to see, a beer tent, a fair, stalls,a castle, and great hot weather aswell.Will be going back next year no doubt about it.A...
It's me again in my quest to jog all those memories out there.Not so many light years ago I had the pleasure on numerous occasions(usually when Dad had been to the off licence) to enjoy...
Is it just me or does anyone else remember Hanky Panky popcorn in the 70's ? The tv ad went something like ' Hanky Panky, what you've never had you'll never miss'.