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do horses legs grow or are they born with as foals with full size legs
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If Humans have hands, and on their hands have fingers, and have feet, on these are toes, then... Cats,dogs have paws, what are their fingers called(not to be confused with claws, which are the...
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I have been using sunbeds on and off for a few years now, with no problems at all. I have, over the last 4 weeks or so, developed (what i thought was) eczma on the top of my leg, at the back (just...
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Do you ever feel down and have no idea as to why you're feeling this way? :o(
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oedipus=son-mother electra=daughter-father jocasta=mother-daughter lear=father-daughter are there terms for mother-daughter/daughter-mother and father-son/son-father? thank you
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i have noticed over the last cpl yrs that i have been getting progressively forgetful and its really worrying me - eg. this morning, i spent 5 mins looking for trousers to put in the wash, and i was...
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I have recently got engaged and wanted to get some nail extensions so my nails look good when im showing off my new ring! I was jus wondering what is the best type to get and how long my own...
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anyone any ideas on finger food for a 10 month old other than toast,mandarin oranges and banana, thankyou
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Does anyone know how I can get rid of someone who frequents my land without permission,without risking reprisals such as vandalism? I am sick of a bloke who keeps using my land to store his junk. He...
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What's the latest time my 20-month old boy must sleep by? How many hours sleep must he have overnight at the least?  I sit Ok for him to sleep at 10 if he wakes up about 7.30 -8 am?
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Does anyone know of a decent, reliable twin buggy that will accomodate a newborn baby and a twenty month old toddler which will fit into the boot of a fiesta?

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