Is anybody else attempting this challenging picture quiz? I am stuck on the last few - 2, 5, 37, 62, 64, and 94. All the faces look familiar but I cannot put names to them.
All answers are television programmes ie Baggy Females = Loose Women 1. It cant be done - 10 letters 2. Splendid Nurse - 10 letters 3. Prevents the action I hear - 6,3 letters 4. Award the City - 12...
tried a few anagram solver sites but no joy too many letters 3. ABEEIIIILMNSSSTZ 9,2,7 4. AAACCDEEEEEEEEGHIIILLNNOOOPPPRRSSTTTTTUY 3,8,8,3,6,4,3,7 13. ABDEEEEEFFHHIKLNNNORUVY 3,10,2,11,4 14....
Seven correct entries were received from Mr. J. Bowen, Mr. P. Claughton, Mrs. C. Giffard, Mrs. J. Joyce, Mr. & Mrs. J. Piggott, Mrs. L. Porter and Mrs. J. Spackman. A draw was made in church before...
Please can you help with the following - each answer consists of two words both of which start with the same letter 15. 24th August 1662 (5 11) 32. Where the National Hunt racing festival is held at...
Can anyone give me any clues for pictures 111, 114 and 115 please.
97 Hoboken 101 Starry Starry Night section.
any help gratefully appreciated thanks...
The answers are a circular tour of Britain. I'm looking for a place between St Leonards and Polegate for the following clue - Joined up football team - and a place between Chichester and Havant for...
I know the setter refers to "some of my stupider clues" and these must be some of them as they've got me baffled: 3. Fine New Jersey Playground 10 (somewhere between Bodmin and Malmesbury) 16. Song at...
Circular Tour of Uk. 3 Fine New Jersey Playground 10 letters (Cornwall) 10 No more liberty for Bradley 7 letters (after Newport) 11 Hard to understand when he 7 letters (before Fishguard) 16 Song at...
Bustling beginning with H A habitual practice or custom beginning with P Covered with a sticky substance beginning with V To redden beginning with R A war hammer beginning with M To take by storm or...
Answers maybe cryptic or general knowledge = large prize = jackpot 1- setting for a soap (6:6) 2-he won (6) 3- northern racecourse (8) 4-confused rave (4) 5- greet the man for this crime (6) 6-prince...