A bank is robbed at gunpoint, and the security cameras show that the robbery happened on Tuesday at 3.00pm Graham is convicted of the crime, even though he was able to prove through numerous...
want a cuppa and cake before the settle down with the remote for the evening? Been busy baking got iced fairy cakes a chocolate Victoria sponge and a Madeira cake - help yourselves
Queenie xx...
Stupidly I wasn't paying attention to my speed, and was clocked doing 36 in a 30 zone. I've never had a ticket before - can anyone tell me what the penalty is?
Yesterday afternoon I traveled down the M4 from London to Swindon. Leaving Reading I passed a message board displaying '50. Pedestrians on carriageway'. Like most other motorists I slowed down looking...
I haven't had a credit card for years and years. I want to pay off the whole amount in full at the end of each month. If I spend £30 on the 1st of September and then another £30 on the 29th...
Someone asked the other day, 'What was your favourite 'fast food' when you were growing up?' 'We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,' I informed him. 'All the food was slow.' 'C'mon,...
good morning everyone engage your funny circuits, here is the picture for today the most humerous will, as usual, be awarded best answer tonight have fun...
Some of them are really bad and the spelling is terrible, also some are very slow and come on screen about 10/15 seconds after the person has spoke...so annoying if you are hard of hearing, even with...
Hello Abers one and all; your common or garden Spoony here again with another A to Z'er. This time I have considered artists. Firstly. The first person who can tell me which Roman Emperor's last words...
Just had an email from BT, thought it was a scam. Never had this before and didn't realise I had a limit. Could it be because I now have an ipad as well as my laptop? My laptop is always switched off...