This is really odd - I was chatting to some friends this morning and admitted that, although I would be upset if anything happened to my parents, I don't actually love them. You should have seen the...
Today I received a letter from a debt agency addressed to my ex husband. We have been divorced nearly seven years and he has never lived in this property as I have only been here three. How has this...
Can anyone give me their horror stories of PMT? Personality changes, depression, etc - and how did you combat it? I've tried every potion in the book and seem to get nowhere fast.
Can anyone shed any light on whatever was on the news yesterday about travelling to the US now? Seemingly (only caught the tail end of it) you need to do something online now? Has the Visa Waiver...
My step son (who is 16) came to babysit the other night for my 4 year old. When we came home it was the usual mess but that isn't the issue. We found out that he had been on porn sites on my work...
I am at my wit's end - it seems to be one rule for my husband and one for me. I am finding him very difficult to love at the moment and have no one to turn to. He is a lovely guy until he gets...