I got one of my top molars wrenched out on Wednesday and it still hurts, is it meant to hurt for this long. I also have earache but I had that before my trip to the dentist so I can't really blame the...
Property in this area is 'reasonably priced' compared with other parts of the UK but this one caught my eye. http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-49586291.html I was just checking for...
I was at the dentist a couple of hours ago and got a back molar yanked out. The dentist said that it left a big hole so he put little plug things in it and that they would dissolve. Does anybody know...
I have managed to get all but one of these TV programmes but am stuck on number number 4 - can anyone help me?
4. Deadpan or a markedly expressive face? Somewhere in between (8)
I watched this video because I was trying to put off making dinner. It was thought provoking and I spent some of the time with my eyes shut. Some of these people only survived because they were able...
I am trying to enter a competition that closes in an hour - I have just found it. I have to identify 20 books. I have 19 but can't focus on the last one and have no idea what it is. It is in the right...
I only work four hours per week - Monday afternoon. Monday has never been my best day, I think that I used to snooze at my desk with my eyes open. I hope that you enjoy this - the tune/sound is naff...
I saw this this afternoon on Facebook. It is a nice advert. Almost makes me feel back for eating bacon. I like adverts like this - they don't bore you to tears and they are not too complicated to...
I haven't been paying much attention to the new pension changes. I am not sure what effect they will have on me, so I thought that I would ask here. I was awarded medical retirement from the civil...
I have just found this statement on Facebook. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=891333210949099&id=424982944250797 It related to an elderly lady who went missing and who has now been found...
My little boy cat has asthma and is currently on 2.5mg of Prednisolone per day. Getting him to take the tablet is 'challenging'. Tonight he has had a couple of short coughing episodes - he is...
This clip came up on my Facebook link yesterday. And once you manage to claim some space in bed you have the morning alarm call to look forward to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aTagDSnclk...
I am not the greatest speller in the world ~ there are some that I spell wrongly all the time (thanks to the invention spell-checker I usually get there in the end) but this guy seems to have a mental...
This guy has spent hours installing a cat flap for his cat Philo. Philo doesn't seem too impressed with this. This clip is old and is good - I don't think that he was too impressed with the cat flap...