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How's Porche Bigmamma? Did you get any joy from the PDSA?
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> read before watching the video > > > > this woman in the video found this lion injured in the > forest ready to die. > > she took the lion with her and nursed the lion back...
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Next doors cat seems determined to make our home his own, as I type he is watching the cursor intently, hubby inadvertantly ran over their previous cat (another story!) I think this kitten is a...
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I have a five year old neutured tom (Diego) and two unspayed 8month old females, who I am keeping in until they are big enough to be "done". Vet says hopefully this week. Anyway, there is a big ginger...
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i got both my 5 month old cats speyed/neutered yesterday. they both seem fine and lively but the little girl hasnt eaten since she came home. Whereas the little boy wont stop. We have been given...
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Hey buddies - did you both get lots of toys and sweets for Christmas? Did either of you manage to climb the Christmas tree? Our slave bought a tree that we couldn't climb - something called a topiary...
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I readily admit that I have asked my brother this question - and his answer confused me. I even looked up the instructions - to no avail. I want to list a column of dates - starting today and showing...
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We are so devestated we dont know what to do, she is one of our babys, New years night we found her puffing and panting like mad, we took her to the vets where they discovered that her temperature was...
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has anyone tried teh lighter life diet?
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Cleo was put to sleep this afternoon. It has been the hardest decision I have had to make in a long time.The last thing I wanted was for her to suffer.....Unfortunately the vet could not get the...
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i have had a very bad year petwise as some of you know i had my 23 year old cat put down and unfortunately i lost both my fish.i went down from7 pets to 4 sadly. Smidge(the cat) is buried only within...
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My cat is now on youtube, he was playing and I just couldn't resist filming it! Just thought I'd show you all something cute! (And just to say, I'm calling him "lazy boy" not "lady boy" as I just...
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Have been puppy sitting for a friend, was reading an old copy of DW and saw a photo of Ted! Very cute. Also would like to welcome Britta (Norwich Terriers), in case you did not see my welcome on our...
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This is a serious question. Is there a humane way to put a fish to sleep, I have been told to put it in a bucket of water with clove oil, or in a bag in the freezer (in the latter case, I assume there...
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I am starting my new diet tomorrow - I am twice the girl that I should be. I had a look at the fleabags and they are gaining weight, not yet fat but not as sleek as they once were. Well - Merlin is...
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My cat was castrated 4 days ago and has just shown sexual urges toward his sister (who was spayed also 4 days ago) Is this normal for a catstrated cat? are they still supposed to have urges? Our other...
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Poor Beads has been thrown in the dungeon. Sitting here trying to work out why. I mean she's no rebel - doesn't swear, respects her elders and all that jazz. Not a multiple user name (well she is now...
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ive never had cats up until last year and im not sure how to tell if my female is in season,in quite sure she is as she is constantly licking herself and she is making funny noises and lying on the...
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our grandaughters pet rabbit died yesterday,do you think it would be ok to cook and eat.
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i bought one for our dog and it is marvelous .. after just one day before we bought it and using it the floor used to be akin to tumbleweed with dog hairs! since using it i hardly see any shedded...

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