Perhaps pens article about Ecstasy in Welsh city (7). I have - - A - - - A.
Unanimity shown by clubs regarding count, we're told (9) C- N - E - S - - . Xword is a minx this week....
Drink them after party to irritate spoilsport (3,2,3,6) _ E _ / _ _ / _ _ E / _ A _ G _ R. Economist worries unduly about Hebridean island where the rich live (12,3) M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ E _ / ROW....
Ship carrying right flag (8) I had got 'STANDARD', so if elaborate is good, the 'N' is now an 'E' = _ T _ E _ _ _ _. Also the 'A' in the second clue is not a definite. Thanks.