Really stuck on the following so would appreciate some help. 15a put the ---on = put a stop to ?Y?O?? 19a one of the southern united states ?R?A???? 8d far from fanatical, cool ?N?N?????A?TED 20d...
can anyone pls help on these two questions. 28a clumsy idle person ??B?E? 20d hit repeatedly ?U?M??. i did think pummel which would give 28a to start with L
Fouind this tribute to kurt cobain on you tube. Never heard it before and when i listened to it i thought cobain wouldve liked this. I think of it in the same way as he covered bowies man who sold the...
having gone thru 4 pages of answrs on this site i must be the only dopey one as dont know the proverb that ' illustrates how accumulated problems can reach a tipping point' (2,3,3,4,5,4,5,3,6,4) may...
can anyone pls tell me who is James Bond's recurring adversary (5,7) E?N?T ?L?F?L? Im not a JB fan! also can you confirm that Studding is anser for nails used to construct a wall
There seems to be a lot of people today asking for help who are not bothering to give the correct information i.e Name of the newspaper Clue number Number of letters Clue description etc I think...
Help needed as think I may have gone wrong somewhere. 8d. final bit (3,3)- i pencilled in The End now tho ive put Gradient for slope or incline, and Snagging for cathing on small nail etc., which...
Am I missing something, has the MOS now decided that entries for the Sudoku are either by text or phone, both at ?1. Considering the odds of winning these competitions are slim anyway we're gonna be...
I clicked on 'report a question' and we have lots of options to choose from including ''duplicated question'. Will this put an end to all the sunday paper crossword questions repeatedly asked...
Help needed please. 15a south american indian people conquered by spain in 16th century ?N?A? 21a industrial city in west central russia ?M?K 1a good air must be BREATH 9a practices passed down...
I would like to say a huge thanks to the kind people who have helped me over the weeks when i have asked for assistance. I have been greatly suprised and amazed to find that i have been a winner and...
Id appreciate any help and I apologise if these questions have already been asked. 23a making no effort in face of difficulty ??T?L?S??? 26a biblical expert who explains text ??E?E?E 28a putting...