Quote: 'One should only strike a child but once... and when you do, strike to kill!' Who said this? I have my own thoughts on this (and a story to go with it explaining why) but I'd prefer to wait and...
sorry, i could not get my answer to follow robber 1's. all right, then, men ARE allowed to give their worth and wealth of knowledge, for the love of Jesus!
I was just thinking that maybe the archive could have a box with key word- go just as you have category search- go. That way you do not have to go through the whole 200 plus articles if you are...
My mother's first name is Menenza and despite living with it for nearly 70 years she has no idea where it originated. I Googled it and came up with only 6 hits, either surnames from a US census or...
My mum is 2 questions short of completing a quiz. Basically you are given a series of initals that represent a phrase eg m h w t s s equals make hay while the sun shines She is stuck on: t d e a s w s...
Dear answerbankers, why is it that in Spanish we say el gato tiene 7 vidas, elgato tiene 7 vidas, but in English we say the cat has 9 lives?are English cats healthier? do they get more checkups?...