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Yeah Bee

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We in Canada hear about all the donations from here, USA, Australia, etc. My question is: Are the foreign countries like Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and all of that region of the world donating...
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Ok i know this is a long shot but it was something that was brought up today in work.Would it be possible to leave on a plane at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve & fly to a...
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My cooker is out of action and all I have is a basic microwave (without combi oven or grill). I've got a load of eggs and bacon that need using up - any suggestions please? Is it possible to get...
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the coolest manager in the Premiership?  Discuss.
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Yeah Bee
Above and beoynd? Does anybody remember the sci-fi series Above and beyond, about The Marine Coprs wild cards who fought the Aliens called Chigs. It all ended in a cliff hanger is there another season
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Who is 'The Boss'?
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Yeah Bee
What has happend to Keith Floyd? You know that tv travelling cook with a liking of wine
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I'm trying to locate the ideal song for when you're down and out. Any suggestions? (Hint: it's about a guy)
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plz can anyone tell me where hitler`s body is so called was burnted outside the bunker i think that is rubbish
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There are a lot of laws that are technically still in force as they have not been repealed. For example it is apparently legal to shoot a Welshmen with a cross bow on Sunday morning somewhere. Are...
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was there such a thing as a holocaust....did hitler even know wot was going on with generals such as hess.himmler,
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"Beginning in the 1830s, imprisonment was the penalty for practicing sodomy, defined as any kind of non-reproductive sexual contact, regardless of gender."  ...
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I'm convinced that my friend is gay, but he says he isn't. Are there any test i can do to see if he is? i know some people are camp and not gay, but he is more than that, he's never had a gay...
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I just saw Bob Goldof playing guitar on a Band Aid documentary.  He was playing a normal right handed guitar but upside down so the low E was at the bottom.  Is this how he always...
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The bloke I fancy NEVER sits next to me. If we are in a pub or just having a meeting, he will always sit opposite. Sometimes I am embarassed how obvious it is. Do you think this is because 1) He does...
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who was the jolly green giant
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I have just found out that the NSPCC is backing a total ban on smacking, and have therfore cancelled my monthly donation.   Anybody any ideas where my donation can go? I'm after a kids charity...
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does drinking too much guiness make your pooh black?
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Can anyone recommend some really good new music for me to download ? (any type at all)
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Who wrote the Old Testament?

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