A rich Arab's son said that he would like a train set, so dad went out and bought him Liverpool Street Station, Birmingham New Street Station and Liverpool's Lime Street Station. A little while... ...
An old lady has a little win on the lottery and decides to get a tattoo of her favourite singer Elvis on the inside of her thigh. The tattooist goes to work and when he's finished asks the lady to... ...
Did Saul Bellow? I know Oscar was Wilde, but wasn't Thornton Wilder? I think John was Gay and Hopkins was Manly, but then, who cares if Immanuel Kant when Kubla Khan ? 🙂
If I buy a second Wifi router extender will it boost my Wifi signal even further. ie, Router in the spare bedroom to Wifi extender in the kitchen to wifi extender in my shed. Thanks.
I going to Thailand/Vietnam in a few weeks and was thinking of buying a new mobile phone while I'm there. When I bring it home and put my sim card in it will it work in the UK ?.
This young lad played dominoes with his workmates every lunchtime, and every lunchtime he'd win. He walloped 'em; he beat them hollow. Well, one day, the lads had had enough. After their dommies...
My mate was taken into hospital last week with "premature ejaculation syndrome". I phoned the hospital last night to see how he was and the nurse told me there was slight improvement but it was still...
A German guy is at the French border. A French customs officer asks him some questions. "Name?" "Hans Gruber." "Place of Residence?" "Berlin." "Occupation?" "No, I'm just visiting."...