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my dog is 3yrs old and well toilet trained however recently he has taken to peeing on our rug, he doest go to toilet anywhere else in the house. have cleaned the area thouroughly and used every...
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I saw a bird with its beak in a puddle this morning... how do they take up the water. Beaks are hard and I can't imagine they can suck it up like we can. Do they just lick it up?
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so i have reali oily hair. is there a shampoo that makes ur hair less greasy?
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After watching the debacle that the iraqis call execution I was wondering are there any "professional" hangman still in employment anywhere in the world?
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When I open my internet explorer, no matter what home page I use, I get redirected to "" (Packard Bell). I can then open up any of my Favourites (ie NTL Homepage) and use their...
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When you make a bid is there any that the seller knows the current bid before the auction closes? I made quite a high bid for something and won it, for exactly the odd amount I had bid and not a penny...
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looking for a film called Blossom in the dust. year about 1942
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1) help!!!! ive wash a few of my babys t-shirts with my new jeans and the dye from the jeans has made them light blue instead of can i get them back to white, they have animals on front so...
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I want to thank all of you for your great advice and humour and gentle chiding that I see you give to a lot of people - mainly with the rude, ignorant, selfish ones that join to ask a question. The...
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my nicest aber nomination goes to carakeel, never a cross word pleasant to everyone, never sarcastic. unlike me, i know if i needed an auntie id choose her, lol
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Do you have regional accent? If so what is it?
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Hi! As some of you may remember, I had a few stitches done last Tuesday and went to have them removed today. Well, she removed them, but it turns out the cut hasn't healed yet! So she put a couple of...
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Ok, so I've got a 'Swan' vegetable steamer. It came with a rice bowl to steam rice. The thing is there are no instructions with it on how to steam rice. I've tried to find something on the internet...
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starting my pc i get the message get process file w not found. please help
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Only 1 in 8 police stations are open to the public 24 hours a day. Is it reasonable for the police stations to keep normal shop/business hours?
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i am a telephone sales assistant and am therefore talking all day long, by about 3ish my throat is painfully sore and aches. Is there anything anybody can suggest that would avoid this happening?? I...
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If I want to say "Now that we're past/passed the New Year, which is gramatically correct?" I don't know why this has me stumped
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OK ,so anybody had this one before? I bend my neck forward to put my chin on my chest and get a rush of mild pins and needles in my feet. They don't stay if I keep my head down, they don't hurt but do...
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I i'll try to keep this brief, Me any my boyfriend of 3 years, (both 22) have been arguing a LOT recently, and its getting very serious, we literally cant have 1 single conversation without him...
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i have calmed down now and i have decided that i am going to go home and talk things through with her because i love her and hshe is my life and i want us to be together do you think this is the right...

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