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I'm about as art competent as a housebrick - but 2017 is going to be the year I break through to fame and fortune. With this generator behind my descriptions, I am convinced I can sell anything I...
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Does anyone have a link to getting adobe live photo gallery.It came preinstalled with full version of photoshop elements 9 on my other pc. As a card maker i use it a lot and would like to install it...
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Anybody else missing the text of the puzzle online?
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Got a new pc. Works fine Trouble is, my old pc has gone seriously tummy up. Can't get either keyboard or mouse to work. Must be the usb socket as they both work fine on a different pc. How do I...
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Well it was a couple of hours ago. Just spent a very nice few hours sitting in the lovely golden September sun sipping margaritas with friends. Margaritas are my all time favourite cocktail, second...
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anotheoldgit What is this all about, first there are complaints if not enough...
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Does it bother you how get what?
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Researchers believe women judge a man's physical prowess from his face Bradley Wiggins excluded as his photos showed him with cap or glasses. Who's your best looking sportsman! Mine David Beckham,...
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We will have about 12 hours in London later this month. Any suggestions for a cheaper option than leaving our bags at Euston station?
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For any irrational reason you choose, what places can't you abide? I am watching four in a bed and the B & B is near Southwold, can't stand the place (sent a shiver down my spine when they said it,...
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Wasnt sure where to post this? I found a large red spider on the porch yesterday, never seen a spider like it in the UK. It had a large orange/red body and red legs. The body was perhaps the diameter...
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I think a lot of it is quite clever/funny - but art ??
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Someone asked the other day, 'What was your favourite 'fast food' when you were growing up?' 'We didn't have fast food when I was growing up,' I informed him. 'All the food was slow.' 'C'mon,...
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Good evening and welcome to tonight's meeting of MOFC. Owing to my computer dying on me in the middle of the programme of events we'll just have to keep this very short. Tailcock: Last of Summer Hot...
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I have Windows Vista. I want to transfer pictures from my pc to my memory stik but when I connect my memory stik to my pc it comes up on the screen how to view what I have already in my M.S or how to...
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If you could go anywhere for a hol;iday this year, regardless of the cost, where would you go?
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Been indisposed for a couple of days with man flu'. Hope everyone else is ok?
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One of my AB facebook friends spotted this ... she may have been to shy to share it on here : To me the most worrying thing in some ways is the shop ... a DiY...
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(Rotary Drier for you sensible ones) Any chance I could just belt it into the ground with a mash hammer??...
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grffindoor2011 Even green men are now offensive. We are turning into a PC state that dictates everything we say and do and where everything is offensive to do gooders....

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