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If you have a family holiday in the EU it will cost £28 for a family of 4 for the travel registration. Now the EHIC card will be gone.. Travel insurance will be around £15... That's £88 more. Most...
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I really don't enjoy any food very much at all, so I am struggling to get the right nutrients into my system. For fruit, I like grapes, melons and apples, and that's about it, and I am not fond of any...
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Hi all I hope someone can help. I’ve put in a complaint about my GP and have yet to hear anything back (over 4 weeks) there is someone I can escalate my complaint to if I’m not happy with my...
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Yesterday I started a 7 day course of Erythromicin (sp) for an ear infection. My last dose is due to be taken at midday on Christmas Day :( When can I have a drink? I know a lot of people drink whilst...
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Don't really expect a solution to this problem so probably more of a statement than a question. Why is it that I can go 7/8 hours during the day without visiting the loo, but at night I can be up...
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Feeling very self-righteous having just had mine, with no after-effects. Mind you, the cynical side of me believes it's a harmless placebo to support the obscene profits of the Drug Giants', ripping...
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Feeling very self-righteous having just had mine, with no after-effects. Mind you, the cynical side of me believes it's a harmless placebo to support the obscene profits of the Drug Giants', ripping...
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Looking at the race cards in the Daily Mail for the 2.40 at Newcastle yesterday I saw that many of the horses had their form figures ending with a #. Can anyone explain what this means please. Many...
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Looking at the race cards in the Daily Mail for the 2.40 at Newcastle yesterday I saw that many of the horses had their form figures ending with a #. Can anyone explain what this means please. Many...
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Are these available commercially? I'm not asking because I've any intention of using them, just out of curiosity....
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My SIL had gallstones removed 2 years ago and just a few months ago was told she has pancreatic cancer. Its too far gone for an operation. Could the gallstones cause a cancer? They are close together...
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My husband fell off a chair while cleaning window about 5-6 weeks ago. He dislocated his shoulder and stretched, tore the ligaments. He cant raise his arm all the way up without holding on with other...
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I was chatting to a friend who had his prostate removed = the PSA reading was 7 + if i remember rightly . He is always advising people to have the test done Another person i know had a reading of 4.34...
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I have an aunt who is eighty two. She's fit as a fiddle, always on the move, slim, always laughing and has a bit of osteoarthritis but doesn't let it bother her. but... I have noticed that,when she is...
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Recently been getting excruciating cramps in my legs right up to my groin. I stand on a cold surface for the leg cramps any other remedies?
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i wonder how rare this con is, and how much vetting there is.
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I bought a Tesco ready meal. Did not read the small print, 'not suitable for freezing'. What happens if I eat it? Awful taste , or will it make me ill?
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A family member who has worn glasses for years recently had an eye test, they were told that they will need just reading glasses, their distance vision was fine aside from an astigmatism. They have...
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Recently, when I think I've finished peeing I sometimes find my bladder has decided otherwise. It's not a great torrent but enough to leave a damp patch on my trousers. It's very embarrassing when I'm...
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We're having a wonderful Halloween......lots of kids in great costumes but there's a problem..... When I slowly open the door and make creaking noises as I expose the witch in the hall with the...

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