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"day off"

Parky's Best: George and Michael

Q. What was Michael Parkinson's George Best biography called asks Birchy. A. A co-authored number, it was called Best: An Intimate Biography and first published in 1974. It's not currently01:00 Sat 19th Jan 2002

What s the best way to get rid of a wasp nest

derekrob has obviously got an annoying, potentially dangerous pest on his hands and is looking for advice. Here, The AnswerBank provides some pointers, but don't forget, your local council's01:00 Mon 10th Sep 2001

How did Charles II escape Cromwell

Charles IIA. Charles II became King upon the execution of his father in 1649 and continued to wage war against the Parliamentarian forces. But he was beaten soundly at the Battle of Worcester on 301:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001

Can you tell me how much it costs to visit Legoland in Windsor

Asks howardpiercy A. There are various prices. If you plan to visit for one day it will cost 19 (adults aged 16-60); 16 (children aged 3-15); 13 (adults aged 60+). Alternatively if you plan to01:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001

I visited Amsterdam on a stag night a couple of years ago and I am ashamed to say that I was too drunk so see any of the sights. I am going again in September, and would welcome any tips on what to see and do.

Asks danmiller103 A. Amsterdam is a great place to visit even if it's just for the weekend. It is incredibly laid back and relaxed with fantastic architecture, beautiful canals, loads of bars and01:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001

With the sun out there can t be much to do in the garden in August. Or is there

A. August is traditionally known as the harvest month, a time of ripening vegetables and cut flowers for the vase. But with possibly the hottest, driest conditions of the year in store it also a01:00 Fri 03rd Aug 2001

What is a balanced diet

A. It basically means plenty of carbohydrates; starchy foods such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes; with protein from foods such as milk, eggs, fish and meat; a small amount of fats from butter and01:00 Tue 29th May 2001

Why was the Crystal Palace built

A. To house the Great Exhibition, which opened 150 years ago on 1 May. The show was the chance for Great Britain, the Empire and its commerce to show off its greatness to the rest of the world. 01:00 Mon 14th May 2001

What is the best time to visit Mauritius

Asks katiek A. The busiest time to visit is at Christmas and New Year when tourists from colder climates descend upon this island in the Indian Ocean. January-April is the hottest time of year, and01:00 Mon 30th Apr 2001

Just where are the Falklands Islands

A. They are situated in the southern most reaches of the South Atlantic Ocean. Their closest neighbours are Antarctica and Argentina. Q. How many people live there A. The islands have a population01:00 Tue 06th Mar 2001

History brought alive

By Steve Cunningham ARE you a student of history or a participant Put it another way, do you love trudging around dusty old exhibits at your municipal museum Or, do you want to get that suit of01:00 Thu 14th Dec 2000

Girls Night out Rules: A Guide to the Perfect Night on the Town

If there is one thing girls know how to do (other than shopping) it’s to have a great night out. So after a day of frantic shopping for that perfect outfit the least you can do is dress to impress accompanied by killer heels and then head into town for a night of girly fun. Dos and Don’ts of a night out: ...16:37 Mon 24th May 2010

I remember when early evening TV meant 'Nationwide'

Nationwide was first broadcast on Tuesday 9 September, 1969. Early evenings would never be the same again, as the BBC followed the Early Evening News with an hour of, well, pretty much everything.01:00 Tue 03rd Sep 2002

What s the thinking behind this proposed new 20-over cricket competition

A. The new 20-over format competition will take over from the 50-over Benson and Hedges Cup, possibly the least prestigious of the one-day competitions, from 2003. The counties will be split01:00 Sat 20th Apr 2002

Why are red roses associated with romance

A. It goes back to Greek mythology. Aphrodite, the goddess of love of course, is said to have scratched herself on the thorns of a white rose as she rushed to comfort her lover, Adonis, and her01:00 Fri 08th Feb 2002

I have to arrange a stag weekend, any tips on how to do this online

Asks howardpiercy A. There are lots of websites that will help you plan a stag night, weekend or even week if you're up for it. Most UK sites cater for stag celebrations in the UK although some will01:00 Mon 22nd Oct 2001

Can you recommend the best things to do in London for a weekend

Asks meltdown A. There is so much to do in London that it is difficult to fit it into one weekend, but if you've got the energy we've got the information! Just the size and the amount of people01:00 Thu 12th Jul 2001

Why we're pancake-flipping crazy

by Steve Cunningham ON 27 February, Britain goes flipping crazy. And it's all a bit of a mystery to foreigners. For this is Pancake Day, an almost-baffling festival that has its roots in deep01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

Counting the Cost, how to go about sorting out your finances in the wake of Christmas

The tree has been packed away and the last of the turkey sandwiches have been polished off. Half forgotten new toys lie scattered throughout the house and people across the country sit, calculator in11:50 Thu 10th Jan 2008

As like as chalk and cheese

jasona1976 asks: Where does the saying 'like chalk and cheese' come from The origins of the phrase can be traced back to Wiltshire, where they are quite proud of it. Farmers in the area around01:00 Wed 01st May 2002

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