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If Joe doesn't step down & allow another Democratic candidate to take his place he will lose to Trump & be ousted anyway. If he can't accept that then he is truly demented. They would have a chance... ...
Where have all the   butterflies 🦋 gone 
I've had an email saying my free storage is full 5gb  i pay for 50gb extra iCloud storage that's shown still as 50gb available. Can anyone explain, why I'm getting this message or is it spam.... ...
The Tory verdict is. That one of the main causes of them getting such a Beating at the GE  Was BREXIT. And not just the Tory betting scandal and Liz Truss .And the Chris Pincher Boris downfall... ...   ...
Hi, just come down with Covid and one hell of a rotten cough. On NHS site it says people with an auto immune disease listed  can obtain test kits for free. However I can't find any list. Help... ...   ...
just seen it on YT I missed it yesterday. I must say he impressed me with his faith in the country. Such a refreshing change from the usual derogatory anti British lefty. So different from all the... ... Labour criticised the tories for dragging Cameron off the red benches. Now Sir Beer does it twice himself! Surely with 411 MPs he must have enough... ...
My dad lives in Arizona and I live in Oregon. He's currently visiting, and he brought his gf, and she brought her dog, and she is pretty fat, but that's not the worst part. The dogs claws are so... ...
According to the Trussel Trust, in 2010 (under a Labour government) the number of emergency food parcels distributed by food banks was 41,000 per year.   By last year (under 14 years of Tory rule)... ...
Today's ITV7 consists of 3 races from Beverley, and 2 each from Haydock (1st leg 2.05) and Sandown. The usual £50K Saturday jackpot awaits anyone psychic enough to predict all 7 winners. Good luck... ...
The Tories haven't managed it and it seems unlikely Labour will do any better. What would Farage do if he had the power?
The label on it says it's a product of Mexico.  It's good quality but don't we grow our own?
I had an interview with one yesterday but it ended up I counselled her - lovely girl - but didn't do anything for me.  I'm just a waste of space.  
We got some new doors and door frames recently. Now when the doors close and hit off the frame it makes quite a clunky noisy sound of wood on wood. I bought some little silicone pads and stuck them... ...
But after 14 years of Tory corruption, it will take Labour years to undo the damage.   No doubt TTT will shortly be pointing out the swing to the Tories required for Labour to be voted out of power... ...
When i delete a PP presentation, it doesn't go into my Recycle - does it vanish into the ether forever, or is it recoverable?
I get my elec through e-on and they informed me my smart meter needed replacing. EDF have been in touch telling me it could take up to four hours to install (actually they say my electricity could... ...
Hi We want to buy 2 VIP Tickets for the Mundomar Animal Park.  Can you buy Tickets at a local Tourist office in Benidorm  when you get there.? Also any tips especially welcome. TIA.

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