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To wear on castle ground for a festival 
This is awful ... have visited there twice and can't believe that half the town has been burned to the... ...
The hope of a Portillo moment in Jeremy Hunts constituency did not materialise. Now it turns out he has to thank the Green Party for holding the seat. Knowing the result would be close, the... ...
BBCFour.  Fab.  Just right for this time of night.
I have several Bearded Iris in a border and am thinking that to get sunlight onto the Rhizomes I'd like to trim the leaves to about half their lenght.    Is this the right thing/ time to do it? ...
.... and wants donors urgently.  All blood types needed but especially Type O.  Sign up at   No question.  I posted this for information only.
Hello everyone. I just thought I would post a cautionary tail for those with older relatives/friends who have this combination of symptoms.  Catching the symptoms EARLY is key. If your old person... ...
I am asking this for Vegan friend She has bought now 2 Vegan Airfryer Cookbooks from Amazon and despite saying that the measurements in them were British they were both in US(cup)measures So 2 books... ...
With Olivia Coleman, watched it today and found it interesting, it's a new release on Netflix. Worth a go.
I frequently trawl through Pinterest for images Do I just pay for accessing the site or for each image from my mobile account Confused Gordon  😳🤞
My favorite ale here in S. Ontario is Morland Old Speckled Hen from the UK. My local Ontario Beer Store no longer stocked it and then I had to go further afield. Now I cannot find  OSH within... ...
Over the last few weeks i have received more than a dozen phone calls from a number beginning with the same 8 digits but ending with 3 different numbers.  I have blocked the individual numbers but... ...
This guy is dangerous.  Many people look for alternative treatments for chronic diseases.  Some treatments help and some have no more than a placebo effect.   This healer took things a little too... ...
I read about this recently and it helps me..sometimes. Ive not been a good sleeper for many years now but this has I say, sometimes. Find a word which is easy to think, or say, and keep... ...
Rachel Reeves will tell MPs how bad things are after taking over the reigns from the Self serving, Con Crony, Trousering Tory Party. Saying she has uncovered a whopping great £20Bn black hole in... ... Sorry me old china you screwed up royally.👑 ...   I hope there's no more - but I have my doubts. ...
Can anyone remember a TV programme where a man called his girlfriend E-laine with the emphasis on the E? I can't remember if it was a US or UK programme but I think the actor was probably a black... ...
Do you think this is fair, I now know of two social houses, that houses foreign people, who go back to their own country, for a couple of months at a time leaving their houses empty, when there is... ...
Very watchable - but has it been left open for another series?  It seems so.

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