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The AnswerBank Will Close Shortly For Refurbishments

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AB Editor | 15:21 Thu 30th Jun 2011 | Editor's Blog
108 Answers
We've got an update which counts the number of characters typed into a post. This should stop some of the "my post was cut off" frustration.

It requires a bit of downtime - 1 Hour to be exact.

We'll be "going down" at 3.45pm and will resurface at 4.45pm.

See you then.

Spare Ed


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The last one to post on this thread before the lights go out gets to choose a new word for the swear filter.

All the best,

Spare Ed
the threads that are in motion....

you aren't going about Karolina's worm again, are you trigger?
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lmao - oh PLEASE let it be me. I could have some serious fun with this.
Don't be so obvious red.................
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Bloody typical - just as I have a spare hour to loiter on here...
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Me me me me
Headwreck he used to shout "you can not be serious."
Dear Mr Spare Ed

Enjoy your hour. We'll be suffering in silence :)

Please please do summat about the 'Remember to give a couple answers in return, learn something new and enjoy!' sentence on the homepage. I don't know which couple too give an answer to xx
same here Mrs_o just got 30 minutes to myself and they're closing the shop !
If I won I'd let BM use the 'prize'............
Of cause..
I'm having an 'o' prooblem today ..
Oven bottoms!
oooh, two more minutes to go ... Hi everyone, bye everyone!! Thanks Ed! :o)
I want to win!!!!!

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