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The AnswerBank Will Close Shortly For Refurbishments

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AB Editor | 15:21 Thu 30th Jun 2011 | Editor's Blog
108 Answers
We've got an update which counts the number of characters typed into a post. This should stop some of the "my post was cut off" frustration.

It requires a bit of downtime - 1 Hour to be exact.

We'll be "going down" at 3.45pm and will resurface at 4.45pm.

See you then.

Spare Ed


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Thought you might be going on strike too..
Oh god...withdrawal (sp?) symptoms kicking in already...
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I've just posted my wine thread!

Who's playing today Headwreck?? Someone hot?? And if you say Andy Murray I'll give you a dig hahah
Fear not, NoM, a little ageing will help ;o)
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And I suppose it needs to breathe...
It's a good job gnomes are quick learners, otherwise it would take a lot longer than an hour to train them to count letters.
Damn. I'll have to do some work.
If Nadal is playing I'll have a perv I mean a look at him "playing"...
John McEnroe??? YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!! ;)
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In fairness chuck we're asking them to count ALL the letters...
Ed, can ya not do the refurbishments when we are all in bed??x
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will they recognise strange things like punctuation or have you a special MarkRae gnome for that
It's the ladies today. Sharapova on at the mo. Turn the sound off if you're gonna watch, it's excrutiating.
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Headwreck, Johgn McEnroe used to shout that when things didn't go his way;)
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