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What would you like to embed?

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AB Editor | 14:21 Fri 07th Oct 2011 | Editor's Blog
44 Answers

I've just had a chat with the technical team. It seems they have brought me (and you) an early Christmas present.

As soon as I get to grips with my regex I will be able to make links pasted from various video and image sites embed into the question/answer boxes.

This works in the same way as the swear-filter does.

I will start with Vimeo, but what else would you like to embed into the site to make it a richer experience?


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"I was hoping we could stick to services to begin with?"

does icanhascheezburger count?
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I guess it might Chuck?
I'd like to embed Johnny Depp please.
This is the only site I use where we can't do bold/italic/strike through/quotes and img. To be honest it drives me nuts that I can't and is one of the reasons I don't use this site as much as I do others these days. I can live without smileys though.
there ya go, B00
lol Trim...I almost made a comment about it when I mentioned clutter :o)
Not quite what I meant jno, but still, beggars can't be choosers, so ta!
Ok then, can we have BBCode at least? You can leave out IMG tags if you want, or only have them in chatterbank.

pretty please????
Sorry Ed, any chance of an idiots guide to this post. I.m not over confident on this stuff
I'm sorry I haven't a clue what this is all about! Hope you will guide us through when you have decided what to do. (Muddled from Basingstoke) What's Vimeo?
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LOL Trim!
I thought it might be a typo and AB Ed meant Vimto!
what, like the dyslexic drunk who choked on his own vimto?
Yes, that's the one!
I'd like to embed Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow....or is that a different kind of thing altogether? 0:-)
Already beat you to that joke V&C ;-)

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