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Ab's New Year Resolutions

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AB Editor | 09:25 Thu 02nd Jan 2014 | Editor's Blog
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Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope we're all feeling refreshed and ready to face the great sparkling potential of 2014.

I've not made any resolutions this year - not yet anyway.

I wondered if you'd like to make some for me, and the site in the general.

What direction would you like the site to go in over the next year?

What do you think we could do better over the next 12 months?

What's missing from AB?

Any suggestions and ideas welcome, as long as you're not too rude about it :)


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Ed, you don't look the same without your rod, that should be your new years resolution - to get it back!!
17:00 Thu 02nd Jan 2014
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Preview is much needed. I always think it's a bit better than editing after the fact.
Don't see why not....we do it with friends who are yakking too much.

No...facebook isn't for me and on CB I can chat to people who are...and are not necessarily....mates....

Which is why I like it the way it is.....☺
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Naomi's FAO section/suggestion might alleviate some sense of exclusion?
sara, I've been ignored many times. I just assumed my comment wasn't worth responding to.
Somebody speak????....☺

Ed, ref. my post @ 16:47.
If I knew who it was I would say so. on the Site, but I don't, I have an idea, but as I don't know for sure she or he is a Mod I'm not going to cause problems.
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A banned-user amnesty is out of the question I'm afraid!
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Hi Baldric,

"If I knew who it was I would say so. on the Site, but I don't, I have an idea, but as I don't know for sure she or he is a Mod I'm not going to cause problems."

It's probably me. Why would you assume it wasn't me, or an editor rather than a mod?
Thanks Ed, happy 2014 to you and your family. xx
/////Thanks Ed, happy 2014 to you and your family. xx////

Creep..... Bit's the bloody 3rd tomorrow.
I feel that my original suggestion has been taken totally out of context.

I referred to an obnoxious title appearing in latest posts, not a mod altering the context.

Usually late in the day Ed, didn't know you worked Nights,
does the Gnome Office allow that btw?
I second that Sqad!
Psybbo, I consider some (if not all) of my posts to be worthy ;o)
Sara, I don't possess that confidence

"We are not worthy"
I thought there was a night-shift Ed, baldric, surely we're not left unattended?

("The lunatics have taken over the asylum" comes to mind!)
-- answer removed --

Could I possibly have been right (@ 17:17)
Ed appears to have clocked-off for !7:30.

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