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Ab's New Year Resolutions

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AB Editor | 09:25 Thu 02nd Jan 2014 | Editor's Blog
228 Answers
Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope we're all feeling refreshed and ready to face the great sparkling potential of 2014.

I've not made any resolutions this year - not yet anyway.

I wondered if you'd like to make some for me, and the site in the general.

What direction would you like the site to go in over the next year?

What do you think we could do better over the next 12 months?

What's missing from AB?

Any suggestions and ideas welcome, as long as you're not too rude about it :)


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Ed, you don't look the same without your rod, that should be your new years resolution - to get it back!!
17:00 Thu 02nd Jan 2014
jno, thank you.. I'm flattered ;o)
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"Could one's personal profile include the country of residence.(Just for interest)"

It could! I'd like to give people the option of offering more information publicly, if they wanted.
Anne, if I were one (giggle) I don't think I would be reticent about it - but I can also see why some might.

Danny, an interesting point, but just as with 'gender' people can put what they like and it may not be true anyway.

Sara, I sort of understand your view, if I see a thread running that is very much an all pals together, I often leave it alone - unless I think I have anything to contribute. But those threads don't annoy me as such.
anne, just tell them you're a mod anyway. People will behave more deferentially in your presence and nobody but the Ed will ever know your guilty secret.
@Mamy. Surely that applies to any information supplied?
they don't annoy me, mamya.. I just don't think that's what the site is for.
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"I'd like to give people the option of offering more information publicly, if they wanted."

That would be easy enough by including a "show in public profile" checkbox next to the various items of profile data.
Danny - yes it is.

Sara, understood, I loves you. ♥
why would mods be reticent to admit their status mamya if they are 'doing a good job '' ?
If Russia/China/Israel & Palestine can have NY amnesties, why not AB ? Lets forgive & forget past slurs & slights and allow suspendeds back in.
I agree with the edit facility as well. It would slow down the rate of postings and things wouldn`t be so spontaneous but if you had 2 or 3 minutes after posting to edit the typos, that would be good.
if you had a preview section, you (possibly) wouldn't need an edit function

i'm sure there used to be preview?
jno............ha ha :)
Anne, because everyone has their own sensitivities and may not want to be as 'up front' as others.

You may ask why big businesses need secret shoppers, but they are invaluable.
Ed, Your choices are your choices. I’m simply giving my reason for objecting to mamyalynne’s suggestion that Mods be given the ability to edit other people’s posts. I’ll leave it at that.
My local website which is just for our village and run by a resident has a preview function. If you post something, you have 15 minutes to preview and edit before it is displayed but there is no interaction between people due to the slow rate of posts. I was thinking that an edit function after the post is displayed for a couple of minutes would be a good idea. I don`t know how easy that would be to set up though.
When I was in school ( over 60years ago) one was always well behaved if there was a Prefect about. If we knew who are the Mods, it might have a definite influence on postings, on the basis that, I for one would not wish to be even thought of being rude if I knew there was a Mod threaded.
I don't agree, tambo - there are a pile of banned people (like the early morning spammers) who would be delighted to have their status reinstated. Reinstating the suspenders? - depends why they were suspended in the first place, I thought Ed reviewed them every Monday morning anyway?
A lot of suspendees and banned persons reinstate themselves anyway. Sometimes, it seems everyone knows who they are except the powers that be. Maybe more vigilance in that area might be productive.

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