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AB Editor | 16:39 Mon 30th Jan 2017 | Editor's Blog
459 Answers
Good afternoon,

Please aim your questions and feedback squarely at me, on the question!


(If you're having trouble answering for some reason, please get in touch: [email protected] )


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Naomi.. you might be having problems with your browser caching since the update. i.e Internet explorer is still showing you the version of the site before the update. Please try pressing CTRL+F5 together on your keyboard to clear the cache, and try again? I had the same issue on my PC with Internet Explorer 11, but it was resolved after the cache clearing.
14:47 Fri 03rd Feb 2017
To quote Andy from Little Britain.....

" I don't like it!"

Answering oon my Samsung tablet now. So much better and just as quick on the tablet as the laptop. Congratulations all round!
What's up, yogi? Xx
It doesn't like me posting in answer box. Takes ages,seems to stick but as shaneystar says once ive got it going it is quicker to post!
Got to go. I'll see what it's like in the morning.

I like the layout now I've got used to it. Just the text in the box to go.
I didn't think I would at all, Yogi.....but I'm getting used to it quickly and I hope you will to.......give it five days and if you still don't like it I'll give you a back massage and buy you a pint......x
Just me being a grump, pix
Fair enough :-). You might like to change your mind before gness's "massage".... ;-)
Your's quicker
We can't see male or female on profiles any more. How are we supposed to know who to flirt with? :-)
I meant for sqad's medical advice, obviously...
I'm viewing on my iPad, print is nice and clear but it's all over the place, outside boxes and I can't read everything to the left as it goes under the boxes to the left (latest posts etc)
I can't do CTRL + F5 on my iPad!
I wouldn't mind the question being given more prominence.
Previous answers and even the Best Answer information are quite clear but the actual question seems a bit lost in the background.
Your answer was posted successfully in the green box when I've posted something, doesn't go away.
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OK, here's how to do it on an ipad:

In the Settings app, tap Safari, and you will see options to Clear History and Clear Cookies and Data
Hi, I've found Media - but no mention of radio. Where are 'The Archers' threads, please? All it mentions are tv soaps and reality tv. Ta..
Site works very well on my elderly, underpowered Nexus 7 tablet. Hurrah!
At the moment I have nothing of which to complain. But then I don't have a Smart Phone, Tablet or such things. My Internet work is done on a Desktop PC or a Laptop, with what I consider is the best of Browsers...Firefox.

Jourdain, scroll down a little on here x
jourdain, I found them under Media then Radio?

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