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AB Editor | 15:39 Mon 30th Jan 2017 | Editor's Blog
459 Answers
Good afternoon,

Please aim your questions and feedback squarely at me, on the question!


(If you're having trouble answering for some reason, please get in touch: [email protected] )


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Naomi.. you might be having problems with your browser caching since the update. i.e Internet explorer is still showing you the version of the site before the update. Please try pressing CTRL+F5 together on your keyboard to clear the cache, and try again? I had the same issue on my PC with Internet Explorer 11, but it was resolved after the cache clearing.
13:47 Fri 03rd Feb 2017
It appears to have 'resurrected' some banned member's questions.
On my Dell laptop Ctrl F5 does nothing but I can refresh using the circular arrow in the address bar - does nothing, text goes across the page into the right hand side, where it says 'welcome prudie' is half covered by a meaningless maroon large tab. Why have you picked those 5 topics for constant display? far more people use CB than media and TV. The view all categories doesn't work. Haven't read all comments but it didn't do this on the beta site.
Prudie try clearing you cache in browser history, the old server has gone. You may need to sign in again as you did on the old site.
As instructed Ctrl+F5 resolved the strange text overlap. Just a bit differrent to navigate and find where everything is lurking. I agree it is better for "sight impaired" users, but I find the appearance rather "dumbed-down" and not as aesthetically pleasing.
Why do we have an "advert" appearing between each 4 answers? I hope the change has not caused a number of "crossword helpers" to abandon the use of AnswerBank
Prudie,mine did the same- you might need to clear browser history/cache x
It's here, like it or not & we'll have to get used to it.

For myself (desktop, Firefox, 52Mb+ connection), it's usable but
the ads make it *astonishingly* slow & I can't see anyone "playing the game" & allowing them to run - in all browsers, I get page load times upward of 20 seconds - every page, every time.

I still think the layout needed more thought. For example, I'm unsure why the lines of "View all categories" & "Most Recent: Recently Answered...etc" have to be quite so tall.

The ads interspersed with the answers are still an eyesore.

Heigh-ho & onwards.
Have automatic log in via tablet but not by iphone.

cant find categories.

-1/10....rubbish site!
I prefer username under the avatar, only way I could get into chatterbank was opening a chatter topic, the burger icon won't drop down for me to show all categories, it's just like something there for show, no function
VVery slow
Do you actually need to press Ctrl? On my laptop, and all the others I've had, f5 works fine on its own.
OK thanks Togo and Pixie, I've cleared my cache (although I didn't want to because I probably won't be able to get into other sites without finding my passwords) but it has solved the problems I mentioned.
Good- hope you find your passwords!xx
Jackdaw - F5 on its own checks the browser's cache before reloading, Ctrl + F5 forces the refresh straight from the server (AB), so you'll get a "new view" rather than an existing one.
I've only done it.....All in the box now and quicker...But...

Can't get all view categories...Why is that please?
When this new site was first mooted I seem to remember that a free-standing format in the question box was the preference of those who responded, so that abbreviations could be typed in capitals. This does not seem to have happened.
Yogi-bear did you try the burger icon, that's supposed to drop down, it doesn't for me, I'm banging on about it and it's useless
Jack F5 on might laptop opens a new tab unless I press ctrl.
What device are you using, ducksie? It didn't drop down for me until I cleared the cache.
Played around a bit without logging in but its Slooooow for me on the laptop and unacceptable slow without the ad-blocker.
Don't like the change but not as bad I thought. I will come and see again in a few weeks I think.
Refreshed and now everything is working well.

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