We have removed some subcategories from The AnswerBank. If we have removed a much loved subcategory then please let us know however, we think the categories we have removed won't be missed.
If you feel like we could reduce the subcategories even more, please let us know.
If you once posted in a subcategory and you find there isn't anywhere to post, please post in the parent category of that subcategory.
The "Shopping" category is now "Shopping & Style".
The "Family" category is now "Family & Relationships".
Please note, any content that existed within subcategories still exists on The AnswerBank. All we have done is removed these subcategories from the menu to discourage members from using them.
Could I suggest Borisbashing as a separate category? The usual suspect or two who post their daily bile could post their stuff on there, as they certainly arent questions, and take exception to any answers which don't fir their anti-government narrative. I don't think troll is too strong a word for someone who posts anti-Boris tripe every single day with absolutely nothing to back up their nonsense.
Apologies all but frustratingly, we've had to reinstate some of the sub-categories temporarily due to a technical issue. They will be removed in due course though, fear not.