We have removed some subcategories from The AnswerBank. If we have removed a much loved subcategory then please let us know however, we think the categories we have removed won't be missed.
If you feel like we could reduce the subcategories even more, please let us know.
If you once posted in a subcategory and you find there isn't anywhere to post, please post in the parent category of that subcategory.
The "Shopping" category is now "Shopping & Style".
The "Family" category is now "Family & Relationships".
Please note, any content that existed within subcategories still exists on The AnswerBank. All we have done is removed these subcategories from the menu to discourage members from using them.
Now there are fewer sub-categories, could they be displayed under the main category (rather than having to click on the "+" sign) so that they are more obvious?
Most of what is posted in News is Political News. So the subsection is pointless because no one uses it.
We get questions on UK politics, world news and politics, famous obituaries and celebrity gossip.
Better to lump it all in one and have a busy section, rather than barren subsections.
Ed. Was 'suggestions' removed because of abuse? Yes, we can email, but in my case I can't be bothered and I don't see why others can't see suggestions or give support (or disagree) to suggestions.
It wouldn't be if it became a main section. All the political ponderings and grumbles that shift more interesting topics off the front page could go in there instead.