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Just keep reporting them ,
I get rid of them as fast as they appear
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Cheers but last 4 are still there after 10 mins.shouldnt be your job really emmie there's 2 many...they should never appear if proper filters are used by ab ... but I reckon ab likes spam as it boosts the traffic count
I have deleted up to 20 this morning and try and keep abreast of them bobb
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Reporting them don't help as only Ed sees the reports and that covers less than half the day.
They have been deleted Now thanks.. and the many qibla ones too.
I just understand what these people hope to gain by posting all those
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It's often the same spam factory using the same MO...they open 2 accounts in 2 names write the soam and then submit 2 together.
It's still hot out there...stay safe folks
oh, they dont stick in my craw!
haw haw haw haw
sozza bobo
Take care bobb
you'd think that word would get round to spammers that they're wasting their time on ab

I got rid of the qibla ones and will stay online for another hour or so.
i dont get how you can stop real people from posting threads on ab you have to have a valid email and register it so really it is up to the moderators isnt it
These things are so easy to catch! The so-called AB "techies" are clearly clueless.
>>> I just understand what these people hope to gain by posting all those

^^^ Assuming that there should be a "don't" in that sentence . . .

The people who pay the spammers (at a fraction of a cent per link posted) couldn't care less whether or not anyone here ever clicks on the links. They simply know that Google ranks its search results largely upon the number of links to different sites that it can find across the internet. So, for example, someone searching for a particular news item will probably find sites such as the BBC at the top of Google's search results, simply because many thousands of websites (including this one) frequently include links to the BBC website.

Similarly, if the internet is full of links to, anyone searching for 'keto' will find that website near to the top of Google's search rankings.
Are you back ?? :-)
I did suggest a while back that they should set up a programme that instantly deletes anything with the word gummy in it. Not necessarily forever, but maybe for a year or two till spammers stop trying. Perhaps it's not technically possible, though they do seem to have programmes that transform Amazon links and produce links for any mention of Mollykins.
[see what I did there...]
Is it not possible to just bar any posts with "cbd" or "gummies" in the heading. These are not commonly used word forms & shouldn't affect legitimate posts.
One can only assume that the AB team don't mind them as it must be easy to stop a post with specific word in from appearing. Having said that are they that much of an inconvenience, just ignore them.

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