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Come On Ed, Don't Be Shy

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Canary42 | 13:07 Fri 16th Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
41 Answers
Tell us how the donations are coming along, please.


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I was just going to post much the same.
Surely we should be able to check o how things are doing on the system!
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More TRANSPARENCY required please.
Ed is away in the Caribbean at the moment.
so if the answer's 48p, what then?
We have added a progress bar to the initial thread. The progress bar shows monthly donations.

You can see it here:
Only 6!
Six what Tilly? Am I missing something?
£66, that'll just about pay for the Ed's cigars.

Too many people announcing that they won't pay a penny until the site is exactly the way they personally want it.
Ironic that I just ignored it thinking it was another ad.
Which is the complete opposite to how everybody else personally wants it.
6 donations so far, Jno.
Naomi, not Jno.
Exactly, ellipsis. You can please some of the people done of the time …and all that …
Where did you see that, Tilly?
it's on top of the graphic, naomi.

Poor show if you ask me.
Grrr… predictive text! *some of the time ..
Who donated the 87p?
So that's me and five other people. Poor show!
I have to have my ad blocker switched off for on here, not sure if it’s the same for everyone.

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Come On Ed, Don't Be Shy

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