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Secret Moderators

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ABSpareEditor | 14:23 Mon 26th Sep 2022 | Editor's Blog
467 Answers
I would like to acknowledge that there are some accounts that have been created by our moderators, to help them control the community, without breaking their normal identity.

Having multiple AnswerBank accounts is against site rules. However, these accounts have been approved by the Editors.

These moderators will be added to this thread, and you should give them as much respect as you would give to an Editor.

If you are a moderator, and would like to have one of these accounts, please send us an email.


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Zacsmaster - It looks like I started all of this last night. In the past I removed posts and had to watch as a row breaks out about who was responsible and why. I can now use my usual name to remove the posts and explain why in my secretmod name. I will also be able to warn posters to kerb their tempers and it might result in less suspensions happening.
15:23 Mon 26th Sep 2022
Now, see, we’ve no idea whether ModMillie is a genuine Mod or just another new user.
Ah, ok. But you get my point?
nope zacs-master yet another unhinged
I went to get my shopping from the man from Iceland and now there are posts removed.

Maybe a message on posts that are removed - ie spam or does not comply with rules or stop fighting
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Shouldn't let common people use a name with Mod in it.
All in all, I think it's a good idea. Soon get used to it.
I am sure that the knowledge of having increased respect from NAOMI will more than offset the criticizms from others and the Mods will be throwing off the cloak of anonymity even as this is being read...
It would be nice to think so, Corby, but don’t hold your breath.

Oh hang on. Was your comment supposed to be sarcastic? Hard to tell with the written word sometimes so I’ll assume it wasn’t. Far friendlier than taking umbrage. :o)
erm: Father Jack writes - - - what do the above two comments mean please? or should I really not bother

(er no, this comment isnt sarcastic)
I had a headache so had a sleep. Just woke up tothis and can honestly say I feel like Alice who fell down a rabbiit hole into a mad mad world. I don't understand anything I've just read! I'm being serious!
It’s really simple, missterious.
The Ed’s have decreed that Mods will be allowed a separate user name (special Mod 1, Special Mod 2, etc) but only if they want one.
If there’s a dispute on a thread, they can use their invisibility cloak (sorry, Mod name) to ride in and immediately stop the fracas, even if they’re the ones who caused it, under their ‘real’ name.

This will, apparently, raise respect for Mods and stop a lot of aggro.

Makes perfect sense to me.
what a load of rubbish/twaddle/hot air - there's more to life than this but then this is AB - and people wonder about the attractiveness of the site to newbies??

I suggest take a long hard look - and simplify things.
Seems a waste of time and effort.
Some years ago, a mod would pop into a thread and threw the metaphorical duster at the class warning them to behave.
That worked very well No mess, no fuss, no pack drill, the warning was sufficient
I think it’s called ‘tinkering at the edges’ rather than addressing the real issues, DTC.
DTC, "I suggest take a long hard look - and simplify things."

What suggestions do you have for the simplifications?
ALBA, if a Mod wants to give a warning, what is wrong with using another name to do so?
Even though many moons ago I was asked personally to be a mod via email, (I'm never about enough even now) but times have changed and I'd be spotted as a secret mod because 'sod-off-ya-nob-rot' followed by:

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'sod-off-ya-nob-rot' 2022: ... Behave!
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Would not be a secret for long.

Thanks ZM. Curiouser and Curiouser!,

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