Ed Is it allowed for an AB member to hack into another members account to find out personal and private information and then post on Ab divulging and bragging about it...... Is this breaking Site rules ?
I can fly - - did I tell you that?
It doesnt mean that I did, does it
I 'accused' a councillor when I was elected one of 20, of voting this was or that. He exploded. Jowls wobbling etc.,
and inquired how I knew ( hur hur hur)
16 voted against, 4 for the proposition, one chmn, one vice, me
and then left one voted amongst 17
say 1 in 20, 5% chance of being wrong, worffa punt huh?
TTT Stop bending the truth. You know and I know, you hacked into my account ... You even acted Mr big by admitting it, then tried to laugh it off ....
supported by your ab friend
gness, commenting is one thing but daily obsession with things that only a native could feasibly that concerned with is what I mean. I live in UK but what if I posted daily and exclusively about a couple of aspects of say Spanish politics. Would an indigenous Spaniard not suspect that I was in fact in Spain?
ToraToraTora, who cares? I don't see why it matters where members are located. If they have an opinion on UK politics then they have an opinion, and we welcome diverse opinions on The AnswerBank.
Gulliver1, unless you recently amended your profile then I wouldn't worry. Your address or place of residence isn't listed. If you're concerned, you can change your password or email me and I will change it for you.
AbED; "ToraToraTora, who cares? I don't see why it matters where members are located. If they have an opinion on UK politics then they have an opinion, and we welcome diverse opinions on The AnswerBank. " - fair enough just seems odd to me, I don't have to hack anything to know that he almost certainly does not live abroad.
14.35 Ed the very fact of ttt saying where I live, proves to me he did get into my AC. Because for security reasons that is what it would say .... get it.
Englishpersons are free to give their opinion on Scottish politics, and frequently do so. Others remark on affairs in Ukraine or America or even (OMG) the EU. Not really a problem, is it?
I know how Gulliver feels then, Tora. I don't comment on Irish politics or news as there are very few Irish folk on AB.
I do have an interest in UK politics but there is no point now in even commenting on a thread here as I'll be told...what's it got to do with you. Don't you live in Ireland?
UK politics will of course be discussed on AB more than the politics of any other country. Those of us no longer living there shouldn't be interested, especially now.
Does it matter where someone lives? Maybe only if they don't share your views.