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Should Mods

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davebro3 | 19:05 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Editor's Blog
147 Answers

be allowed to moderate threads that they they have already been contributors to?


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No.  That could be seen as a conflict of interest.


Since no-one, including the Mods themselves, knows what actions any of them take, or why, no-one can know if a Moderator who is contributing to a thread has carried out any moderation on thev thread or not.

That is between the Mod and the Editing Team.

If the Team judges that the Moderator has acted improperly, they will act as they see fit.

That interaction will, correctly, be between the Moderator and the Ed Team, and will not be disclosed to anyone else.


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//Since no-one, including the Mods themselves, knows what actions any of them take, or why, no-one can know if a Moderator who is contributing to a thread has carried out any moderation on thev thread or not.//

The mod who has contributed to the thread knows if he/she has moderated it?

I can well remember a certain mod. I will not name her .Who actually closed a thread then re-opened it to reply then closed it again

Dave - obviously the Mod knows!

So does the Editorial Team. 

And as I said, any reaction is between them.

If I was within my gift I'd give that^ best answer.

That was directed at 19:34

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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the site is  joke

Plautus (c. 250–184 bc), 'moderation in all things is the best policy. '

Has to be comprehensive though, with no claims protection.

Dave - The Editorial Team will see your thread, and may decide to comment, we have to wait and see.

A rule prohibiting mods from moderating on a thread they're involved in can't work.  If something untoward happens and the only mod around has contributed to that thread he or she has to be free to deal with it.  

^ Haughtius Maximus: 1950s to present ^ 😄

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maybe mods should refrain from combative/contentious posting or give up their postion as mods

Why would they, Dave?  They're just members of this website who give their time for free in an effort to keep it as pleasant as possible.  What's in it for them if they can't take part in discussions that interest them?  Nothing.

Dave - To echo Naomi's comment, I have been a contributor to the site since it opened, and a Mod since moderation was initiated. 

I have had no issues with successive Editorial Teams.

I am sorry if you feel I am or gave acted improperly, or abused my position, but clearly that view I'd not shared by the individuals who control the site.

I take my role as a Moderator seriously, I have never knowingly abused it.

You can accept that or not, it makes no difference to me whatsoever. 

Dave - The Editorial Team will see your thread, and may decide to comment, we have to wait and see.

no the team doesnt act by themselves - you have to complain and THAt depends on whether the Aber had nothing  better to do ( knitting, crossword ,that days washing)

I have had no issues with successive Editorial Teams.

erm I think that is why the whiners are whining - nothing happens !  ( er Fanny Burney's comment on Jane Auusten)

PP - // 

I have had no issues with successive Editorial Teams.

erm I think that is why the whiners are whining - nothing happens ! //

They whine because it's human nature, if you feel something is not being done how you think it should be done.

The Editorial Team - the only people whose opinions matter to me at all - seem happy, and that's really all I need.

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