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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
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What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
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Shaney, it is illegal to remove sand from the beach as it is not a natural beach and the council pay for it to put there, no I am stymied, another bag of kitty litter it is to be then! (on the other hand it would be cheaper and smellier to put the old carpet back!) ooh revolting thought!!
Hi All. I'm back and to prove it I'm here. Sorry I've been off it lately but I'm getting back to normal now thank goodness. Well as normal as I can be I suppose. I'm back to gadding about again thank goodness. To get over my 'blip' I went walking a lot with my walking friend and we had some deep and meaningful conversations. She experienced similar events to me in her life so we can chat and help each other. We usually end up having a good laugh.

I'm sure you have coped without my daftness and are enjoying this lovely weather we're having at the moment. I'm off down to Brighton at the weekend so hopefully when I get back I'll be back properly to normal.

Tomorrow involves a trip to EE for me as my mobile is playing up. It will be my 3rd visit to them and we are on first name terms now.

I hope you've all had a good weekend and keeping well. See you again soon and thanks for being there.

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Hi jude, glad you are back x
hello jude, glad to see you.

ooof time for bed....oight oight all
Hello our Jude
Nice to see you back again and hope you're feeling better now .
Look after yourself xx
Morning all
Another lovely day .Hope you're all ok .Very quiet ..are you all playing with
rubik cube :)
My bro is picking us up shortly,taking me to the hairdresser while they go for a cuppa along the front and then Mr S is going to sort out his tax while I sit in the garden and gas with my SiL .Have a good day all.
Good morning. I am cleaning. I don't like it.
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Good day all.

Have bought another dress for the wedding, it's a black shift with capped sleeves and an white panel with black lace up the front, slightly more sophisticated for me, but depends on my mood as to which one I will wear.

Hope you are all OK, sunny day but breezy here, nearly lost my false tooth as was eating a cold sausage and a sharp bit of some herb caught between the teeth and I couldn't get it, but finally managed!
the house is sparklingly clean and ready. i do loads of cleaning before Sis gets here because we do the minimum of housework while she is here.
Good evening's been another glorious day. I felt a bit rough this afternoon so I thought the storms they'd forecast for us we're on the way but they were wrong, not even a hint of rain. I'll believe tomorrow's downpour when it happens.

Morning all
Lovely day so far .Rain on the way though according to Accu .
Hope you're all ok .
Off to the pain clinic shortly .Perhaps they can find me some new body parts .
Pip pip for now .
Oh we had the downpour. Thunder on and off from to gone midnight. bed at 2 am. Nice window cleaner turns up to clear my gutters 08.30. happily i have known him years and he isn't phased by my dressing gown and fright wig hairstyle.
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Good day all. Overcast but warm here. Met an old teacher colleague from the 70's for coffee, he now lives in Copenhagen, it was nice reminiscing. Got a nice pairs of leather shoes with highish heels from the charity shop, I hate buying 2nd hand shoes but need a normal pair for the wedding to go with new blk n wht dress, and they are a good make and comfy which is the main point. Think I'll wear red accessories instead of blk and white. Of course i may buy another new pair when in England if I see any.

Woofy how is the bedroom coming along? Can't wait to see a piccie of it.

Good luck at the pain relief clinic shaney.
Oh well that went ok I think .Nice nurse .Told her my life history .She seems to think I have the triple whammy of OA +Fibro+Rheumatoid ,so am being given a low dose of something called pregalbin or something and go from there .
hope the new stuff will help Shaney. I know others on it (internet friends) who find it helpful. They say at first it can make you sleepy but it wears off as the body gets used to it.

Neti bedroom is done and lovely. I will do pics once sis has seen it as I did it for her. Dentist this afternoon and I feel soooo sleepy. Would postpone but I already dd it once when I had a bad stomach.
Thanks Woofy ,I can only but try and see if it helps .
She's also sending someone to see me at home about my general mobility.
teeth are fine, dentist happy, me too. drains and gutters all working again, just got the get sorted and I am there.
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well done woofy.

Shaney does that mean grab handles in the loo?
Good Gawd no ....I can still get on and off the loo ... If things were that bad I would shoot myself :)
I think it's just suggesting things to make life easier and how to pace yourself .
I'm cheesed off big time with the whole caboodle .I just want to be pain free and more mobile .I want to be able to vacuum my house and not take a week to do it .I want to do my gardening ,ironing ,cooking ,and any number of things without having to sit down every five bloody minutes or hobble along with a walking stick .
I don't want much do I ? lol .....
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Oh shaney how awful for you, all the things I take for granted although I do huff and puff a bit more now, well except for gardening, I am just too old and infirm to do that!!

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