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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
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What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
Good day all, here I is. I decided to do something other than internet yesterday, there's only so much wool itch and b.s. a biddy can stand when not firing on all cylinders ;o). I made myself go outside and potter which cleared my head a little and I've done a bit more today, it's cloudy but very calm and mild. Hopefully my body will get used to it and I'll gather a bit of speed.

I saw Highgrove on the tele a while ago, a documentary with Alan Titchmarsh, it looked lovely. It's on YouTube. My tulips are coming on lovely, so ha! One is one up on one.

I can't take decongestants woofy, they make me all no how.

Be different...and nice, lol
the week is proceeding as diarised, Wednesday state visit to Highgrove, Thursday tooth extraction, which was sort of painless apart from several big traffic jams on the way there; Friday will be state visit to St Paul's - not sure exactly what I'm supposed to do there but it will probably involve reporting back on facilities.
Its ridiculous Robi, I used to take cetirizine from April to June with never a side nohow is a good description of how i feel, I certainly wouldn't drive like it and he dreams have been dire.
new carpet is coming on tuesday.
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YooHoo Robi, glad to see you.. (something other than internet??) is there something other than internet??

Another roast lamb dinner and I didn't scive, I roasted more pots instead of just making mash, am stuffed.

Apparently we have a new procession tomorrow starting at 11am which will take 3-4 hrs to walk (backwards by the sound of things) up to the Puig de missa, the church on the hill, no idea what this is in aid of, as next Thurs we have the normal dreary procession with Our Lord carrying his cross to the church, where next day there is a volunteer who gets crucified (tied on with ropes) and then let down almost immediately I should hope, then there is another procession with the body of Our Lord coming back down. If we have any more processions there won't be time for normal life!!

Ah well ..a successful day in old Yarmouth town .
Got clothes for Mr S with no arguments about colours and sizes :)
I stocked up on Fenjal ,on offer at Boots and we had some chips .I had cockles on mine .
Ha ha ..I love Murun .He's so philosophical .
Oh I do envy you Jno .I used to love going round St. Pauls .Went there several times with my old chum Jeannie .It was one of our favourites along with Westminster Abbey .
We never did make the Whispering Gallery though .
You're also not allowed to take photos in St Paul's. In fact wasn't there someone arrested for taking a photo of it from across the river a couple of years back? Security legislation doncherknow. No doubt a terrorist casing the joint, him and a million other people and their smartphones.

However, I may take a camera and try and get up the dome, as you're allowed to take photos look out, though I will obviously need a few hours to get there and a few swigs of holy water.
When I was at school, St Margaret's was the school parish church and we went to the Abbey each September and to St Margaret's for a service on St Andrew's day.
I have an image of the whole population of Ibiza ambling round the island in one long procession and when the music stops everyone bob's into the neatest casa, lol.

Ooh, I love fenjal, I always stock up when it's on offer.
*that should have said nearest but neatest would be good :)
am waking up a bit. Well done with the man clothes shopping Shaney. I used to love the white flowers Fenjal but they don't make it any more. I bought some of the original fragrance recently and it made me itch like fire.
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"neatest casa" well one look at my garden and they will run for the hills!!
chips and cockles....yummy.....oight oight all.
Neti, better lock the doors, so you don't get caught out when everyone plays musical casas
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oight oight you lovely lot!
oh neti, I'm sure you'd look lovely going out to the fiesta

Of course you'd have to iron the sheet, or what would the neighbours think.
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Good morning those are the cofradas (clubs) and they all have different coloures. Scare the life out of me.
Weather looks a tad cloudy.
Morning all, glorious day (so far).
I'm so tired, I didn't sleep very well, I watched The Boy in Striped Pyjamas and it was so sad...and I've just realised I didn't take my beta blocker before I went to bed, I think they calm me down a bit.
Is there a sheet here I can throw over my head and drift around in? zzzzz
Morning all
Lovely day again .
Those people in sheets would give me a nightmare in the daytime .
I had a rotten night too and feel like a wet discloth this morning . My outing didn't do me any favours either and my hips are singing to me . Never mind eh .
Hope you're all as well as though .
I watched that Robinia .I've seen it before but watched it again .The book is the real tear jerker though.
Good morning all. Yes Robi it's a beautiful day here. I didn't sleep well either. Woke up about 3.15 and watched a bit of rubbish telly and read a bit. I watch that film too. I've seen it before and think it is sas too but well directed and acted.
I've been working hard all week catching up with my list of jobs to do. Especially oven clean. That's even higher on the list of jobs that get left than the ironing and I've got some of that to do as well.
I was going to cut the front lawn this morning an to my surprise my friendly neighbour had done it for me. So I'm going to do the edges for us both now.
Hope y all have a good day and the weather is ok for you.
Laters 'Gaters.
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Hello again.

Yes isn't that a super and sad film, I kept hoping and praying that they would discover him!

Hija is waiting to hear if she has a job in Dubai as a waitress, I am so worried about it all.
Ooo Neti I think I would be a bit worried too but I expect Hija knows what she's doing and will be ok.

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