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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
I know Neti....I still channel my inner hippy where I can but no more the figure of yesteryear alas.....
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Good morning all, lovely sunny day, hija has just this minute walked in the door. Must get up, I have already showered and washed hair.
good morning, waiting for the doc to call me back. The dogs have decided its too early to be up and have gone back to sleep again.
Morning all...bright but still chilly at the moment. Yesterday turned out quaite naice and I did a bit of snipping, can't go for long before my hands swell up, tut.
I feel all leaden and no-how again today but hopefully tarquin's coming later to mow for me. No doubt I'll be on catch-the-crawling-baby-before-he wrecks-the-place duty :)

Hope you get sorted woofy, I still have days with stuffy sinuses but not so bad so I'm hoping this week will see them clearing, the weather's supposed to be good....which will boost the pollen...oh phooey.
I know how the dogs feel, I'd like to go back to sleep....and this is spot on I think
Hello folks
Bright and breezy but still a bit chilly with an easterly wind .
Hope you're all Ok .
Hope the doctor can sort things for you Woofy .Bunged upness is not nice . I had my sinuses drained many moons ago but I still get stuffed up from time to time .I sometimes wonder how much they drained at the time when I forget things :)
Not straying far today or tomorrow .Only a small amount of low residue food for Mr S today and nothing tomorrow except senna etc .He's grumpy and keeps staring mournfully into the fridge.
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Poor Mr S, I feel for the chap!

I seem to have so much mucus in my nose since January, first after one cold and now after another, fed up with blowing it all the time, it's like the widow's mite, never empty!

Just making a bacon, cheese and onion flan (I hate quiches!) and cheese straws. Town is heaving with old Spanish oaps who get cheap holidays until May and tourists!
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Cheese straws rather burnt as I forget them, but edible.

Been sunbathing for half an hour and even got into my bikini pantees instead of my directoire bloomers.
hello all, have been dozing the day away feeling like poo. It was my own (lovely doctor who phoned and we had a nice chat. I have got antibiotics, the kind you have to take on a full stomach or with loads of milk and no alcohol. It was funny in the chemist, I pulled out money to pay for the prescription and the lady said that I didn't have to pay as over 60!! Its the first prescription I have had in ages and it never occurred to me that its free now.
Yes ,free prescriptions for old biddies !
I hope they do the trick for you Woofy .
It's been a lovely sunny day here but it's bloomin' freezing with that wind blasting up the lokes. Had to put the heating on just now .
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I don't get free prescriptions. :-( cos I am married to a younger man, and he still pays contributions.

Hija has got the job in Dubai - I am pleased for her but worried sick, I know now it's a legit job but it's so far away.
Yay and oh dear Neti....or Oh dear and Yay.
Hi all. I hope you get sorted Woofy. I'm feeling less sick now thank goodness.
Hope Mr S also goes on ok with the Endoscopy Shaney. If that's the test in the nether regions I know what it's like having to take the laxatives etc. If I've got it wrong sorry.
Another busy few days. Getting garden sorted edges done, washing and ironing etc etc!!
Went to see my brother in law today who had the bowel operation. He is doing alright but has now to go and see a liver specialist as he has been told the cancer is now there. Poor man. We met in an old pub in Derby city centre called The Peacock. Years since I was in there. He was really cheerful and his usual jokey self. What a brave man!
Fuschia came this afternoon to inspect and advise me about my garden which she said was looking ok. Bless her! She loves my deep pink camellia I'm nurturing.
Tai chi tomorrow the somewhere for lunch.
Take care Biddyfriends. I'm off now to watch Countdown on 4od now.
See yer later gaters
Now then now then! Just my little joke re last post!
Well done to your daughter Neti .
Try not to worry ,although I know you will .
You never stop worrying about your children .I'm sure she'll be fine .Is she going alone or with a friend ?
Sorry to hear about your BiL Jude,hope they can do something for him and yes it's the same thing with the picolix or whatever it's called .Just to check what's left of his colon is clear of any nasties .
Just watched the second part of Undeniable .Very good .I knew he was guilty .The swine !
Goodnight all ,sleep toight .
we liked the look of the Cotswolds so we are going back there for a couple of days, not necessarily sleeping in Charlie's garden as it is perishing out at night at the moment, but I expect I'll be offline for the rest of the week, so kindly behave yourselves or you'll be sent into slavery in Dubai.

Had a satisfactory afternoon returning things to CostCo - the meat that went off after the first day (we didn't actually save it, just took the wrapping and some photos, unfortunately not recorded in Smell-O-Vision), plus the scanner that froze plus the chair with the leather splitting on it.
3 things.
1. I hope your Hija goes on alright in Dubai Neti. I know you'll worry its only natural.
2. Have a good trip Jno hope the weather stays bright.
3. Shaney I forgot Undeniable tonight when I read your post so now do I watch it on catch up or not. I think I will so please don't give me any details.
oight oight biddyfriends everywhere.
Morning all, glorious day here
The garden looks lovely, tarquin's beast of a mower makes a smashing even job of my mossy lawns. I used to feed them but I can't be bothered any more. I just about held myself together for the couple of hours they were here, baby moondust is quite a handful now, I've no idea how I coped with a baby and a toddler....oh yes, I was 40 years younger :) I've no idea what's wrong with me, I keep feeling horrendous.

Poor Mr S is going through worse than me though, hope all goes well tomorrow shaney, treat him (and yourself!) to one of these when it's all over :)

Neti, it's no good me saying don't worry 'cos I know you will, so would I. I hope she enjoys her time there but I'm guessing it won't be forever....unless she meets a rich man!

Jude I don't think I've ever been in that pub...there used to be a great lingerie shop up that way in the 70s, a factory outlet I think. Do you remember it?

Hope you feel better soon woofy....and enjoy the Cotswolds jno. (it always sounds like an ailment to me :))

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Morning all, am in Ibiza town having a coffee and croissant. It's boiling hot.
Morning all
Lovely and sunny again but still that chilly east wind .
Hope you're all as well as.
Have a nice trip Jno .
Nothing doing here really .I may dose myself up and go to the library and get a few bits in the High St. Lacking motivation though .I need to slap my own face.
I wish I could still do what I could do forty years ago too Robinia ,take it easy today :)
Oooh ..I like the look of those little pies Robinia !

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