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Do You Think I Should Dress Smart For A Interview At A Charity Shop

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abbeylee90 | 20:45 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
92 Answers

Only volunteering a few hours a week after work until I get a full time job. Got interview tomorrow 



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Yes, but super-smart is not necessary, just respectful smart (and certainly not slovenly).

Put yourself in the interviewer's position and decide what you would like to see.

Good move. Yes. Don't wear any of those figure hugging things you show on here though

You should dress smartly for any interview in my opinion

Go in charity shop clothes

Which charity and are they flexible with time off? Bottomless brunches, drinks, dates that aren't dates etc.

Although it's admirable that you want to do volunteer work, Abbey, is the timing right? You're looking for another job and will probably have interviews. You've said you might end up with two part-time posts. Would you be able to fit everything in? 

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I'll just say I got something on so can't do that day 

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Going for trial shift Friday 

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Doug yes they flexible 

Hope they don't read Answerbank

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Who now?

Abbey, your attitude towards this potential job is already wrong.

You say "I'll just say I can't".......Why? because you have a date, night out , meal, drinks, rave....You will not last long....






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If it's pre booked yes If trial successful will be there Monday Wednesday and Friday 

Good luck. I think you'll enjoy this role, learn new people and other skills and gain confidence.

What will you be doing, abbey?

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Everything on trial and they will see what I am best at and enjoy most 

Good luck. 

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Going to the shop in abit can't be bothered really as very tired 😴 

Why are you so tired?

She liked what she saw and acted on it?

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Do You Think I Should Dress Smart For A Interview At A Charity Shop

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