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Do You Think I Should Dress Smart For A Interview At A Charity Shop

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abbeylee90 | 20:45 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
70 Answers

Only volunteering a few hours a week after work until I get a full time job. Got interview tomorrow 



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My tongue in cheek remark was because Abbey doesn't consider herself to be 'working' in the charity shop. 

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Sorry yes they are volunteering like me only managers are young 

Abbey, you must have known the 'downside' beforehand, surely? 

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I've volunteered in charity shops before and it's not all like that.

Abbey - regarding clothes, it would be good to wear something you bought in a charity shop (someone has already sugested this I expect).

Regarding 'old people' - they are still real people you know, you might enjoy chatting to them, they'll know a lot that you don't know and might be able to give you good advice. They aremore likely to be bored by you than you by them.

It would be good to get a stint of voluntary work in a retail outfit on your C.V..

It's normally 'old people' who volunteer when they are retired after many years of working

You do realise most of the people you chat with/ to on this site are also old people abbey?

It will add to your 'people skills'.... being able to adapt behaviours to fit on with the team and culture is a good skill to have.

Won't matter how smartly you are dressed if you can't answer some of the questions that customers will be asking. That's where the older volunteers will have the advantage.

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I got nothing against old people just not use to being in an environment along side them.

you should always dress smart unless you are doing yard work

Abbey, but you chose to work/volunteer there! Did you not visit the shop at all beforehand? 

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Only when I signed up to be a volunteer there's less people in on a Friday.

Abbey, a little bit of research beforehand would have been good - nothing arduous, just visiting the shop once or twice before applying! You said your previous charity shops were 'not all like that', but I think the majority of volunteers are a little older than you. Most of the people your age are probably too busy working full-time, building careers...

Is it a normal charity shop like we all know from our high streets? You do realise that part of it will probably involve sorting through the piles of old (and occasionally unwashed) clothes and tat we all take there?

As for old people, all the charity shops in my area are staffed by retired women (usually) who often who held responsible jobs and have a large amount of common sense and intelligence. Indeed, a lot like many members of this site that you communicate with.                                                                                                                                                                                  

So abbey it's full of old people, shock horror 😅 I suppose old people are ok ( your man friend in his sixties at the dog charity place) as long as they are taking you out for meals and buying you gifts. You need to take a long look at yourself my girl and wonder why you struggle to maintain friends and a job. Entitled doesn't even begin to describe you. However I.m with prude and smow on this one -you are probably an office junior in AB  trying to get footfall 😂😂😂

You'll be able to ask the other volunteers about what to wear, which boy should you pick and what you should tell you mum.

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It wouldn't come to that them buying gifts etc same as I'm trying to get out of contact with the man.

What do you mean I struggle to maintain friends?

Abbey, you've posted several posts about your good/old friend who you felt had replaced you with someone else. You've also posted about the friend who's not very good and you felt was just using you when she was stuck. You've also posted about no-one (in a group chat) getting back to you. I think it's a little sad that you don't seem to have a close friend to turn to when your jobs go pear-shaped or when your online dating hits another bump in the road.

Abbey, you don't need to explain yourself to anyone here.  They're strangers to you - and sour to boot.  You'll find most older people far nicer.

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