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Hymie | 20:46 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
14 Answers

Woman is pregnant with her second child.



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The only person who seems to give a damn is you Hymie. Meh.

Wishing them all well.

Have you checked this with Phil?

he only person who seems to give a damn is you Hymie. Meh.

oh you grumpy old man - I am very pleased and hope the pregnancy is uneventful. 

I thought it was that awful woman Meghan and she cdnt count

She looks extremely ill in that photo.

Poor lass has the terribly bad luck to be a spitting image of her dad.

People talk about the privileged - and Beatrice really is.  Nevertheless sour lemons have no place in any new baby's life.  I wish mum and the little one well.

Will the little stranger have a place on the civil list?

Good luck to him/her and the parents.

I think not, sandyRoe.  As far as I'm aware Beatrice receives no public money.

well, no, Mozz, the BBC cares enough to make it front-page news. For William and Kate I could understand it, but Beatrice?

Strange choice of photo. She doesn't look at all well...

Most royal stories are ludicrous but some section of the public lap it all up with relish.

I think she looks unwell but it's not surprising. She might be having sickness problems and the added worry of three close relatives having cancer won't be helping.  


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