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pulled muscle

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teag1rl | 12:51 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
pulled calf muscle on sat. Went to gym anyway yesterday, ran fine, didn't affect me, muscle sore again today. My question is, is it better to train through a pulled muscle or rest it?


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Please someone reply before I get some fake trainee doctor who's pregnant with twins even tho she hasn't had a scan giving me dodgy advice!
she only knows about skin teag1rl lol

i was told to rest a pulled muscle. It wasnt by a doctor tho but an ex para so im not sure if hes correct or not. He did tell me that if had continued i would risk tearing it.

am sure someone will know more tho

ps. surely an excuse not to go to gym is welcome anyway?? or is that just my opinion lol
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Thanks redcrx. I'm in some sort of zone now and actually WANT to go-I think I'm losing my mind!! (Helps that friend said my backside was shrinking last night yippee).

Hmm, a skin specialist who's got issues with nakedness- that'd work!!
When I strained my back many years ago, I asked my GP what was best, rest or exercise? His reply was, 'It's up to you'! I wasn't too pleased. Nor was he, when I asked him how many years of medical training it had taken for him to provide an answer like that, and whether his answer represented the sum of medical knowledge gathered by his profession over the past couple of thousand years!
Best advice? Get in touch with your local football team's physio.
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That's brilliant idea Heathfield, thanks.
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Just incase anyone wants to know, I'm informed to rest, use ice, elevate and compress. It's not that bad! but looks like I wont be going tonight :o(
awww teag1rl. sorry you cant go to gym. stay home and eat chocolate instead :) oh sorry, thats my opinion again lol

you can always do some weight training at home or something to make you feel better.
mean upper body not legs btw
The advice I've been given in the past by various sports coaches is to exercise it AS FAR AS YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE - which probably isn't much more than a walk to the loo to start with. Don't work through the pain or you'll be feeling your mistake many years from now. Just have a look at Mr Lineker to see what I mean.

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