....after London man left with scarring. Just a word of warning to dog walkers and parents out enjoying the sunshine with their children to keep their eyes open for this....
Me and my husband have both been thinking on getting a dachshund as our family dog. Ideally, it would be so nice if Clara was able to walk the family dog. I don’t mean irresponsibly, I mean, she...
My daughter Clara has recently gotten into horseback riding and wants to go really bad. She has dwarfism though and it’s only 18 pounds and 1’5”. How would I introduce her and get her feeding, and up...
Evening, all. Not sure whether thus goes here or gardening.
I have yellow corydalis in my garden and I've seen conflicting reports on whether or not it's toxicto cats. Any advice gratefully receives....
and then take over the world. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/uk-man-catches-mysterious-never-30645385?int_source=nba https://www.ranker.com/list/killer-cats/jacobybancroft...
I've seen a few dragonflies and damselflies around my pond (UK) but today I saw one that was new to my eyes, which I had to look up, online to identify. it turned out to be a rare migrant from warmer...
In my garden, four of them and mum. Will they always roam in my garden, and the surrounding ones, or eventually split up and venture farther afield? My cat is getting a bit fed up with the gang …...
Can anyone suggest a good frog repellent. Most of them scare cats as well,which I do not want having two myself.My youngest cat keeps bringing frogs in for which i have a phobia(since a child),so need...
Horseflies which can 'tear flesh' through your clothes - UK's getting as dangerous as Australia.
Baking hot today and outside in the sunshine I’m being tormented by tiny black flies. Thousands of them. My question is where do they go when it isn’t baking hot?...
Hope the link takes you to a butterfly identification poster
I have today downloaded the app "Merlin". Although I have not fully used it yet, I have used it in my garden breaks to see what birds it identifies by their song. So far, I have been quite impressed....
Can someone explain the différance (if any) between water lettuce and water hyacinth, both seem to be able to reproduce like gremlins in waterways, so are they considered an invasive species, can they...