cat & dog in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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cat & dog

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hopie1122 | 05:41 Sun 17th Apr 2005 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
can a dog mate with a cat? I have a one year old dog that if trying to mate with my 1 year old cat
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No they cannot mate!! It is possible that your dog is a little, let's say, 'randy' - and is just humping your cat out of instinct. There is no way they can mate. let's hope not....anyway......
A lot of animals including dogs (and even cows) mount each other to show dominance or submissiveness. your dog is probably just showing who's boss. My two female (altered) dogs do this alot and it is always the dominant one doing it.
(by the way cows actually mount the dominant one to show submission, the opposite of dogs).

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