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Bloody Cat crap

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flip_flop | 10:06 Sat 01st Sep 2012 | Animals & Nature
126 Answers
I've posted about this problem before and tried all of the helpful advice given, but alas nothing has worked and next door's bloody vermin is still crapping on my gravel drive.

I know its petty, but I've taken to delivering the crap back to the cat owner's drive (which is also gravel) which, as you can imagine, is causing an issue. I couldn't really give a monkey's but Mrs Flop would rather live harmoniously with the old woman next door, despite her being a sour faced old harridan who is disliked by pretty much everybody else.

I'm rambling - does anybody have any other ideas please? I've tried the lion poo, special plants which are supposed to repel them, electronic gadgets all to no avail.

I'd kick the little vermin bastard, but I understand this is frowned upon - and I can't let my dog out because he is such a big pansy the cat will bully him.

Thanks - just sick of clearing up animal crap that hasn't come out of my animal.


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And how the hell can owners stop their cats from crapping in peoples gardens? Are we expected to go garden hopping with a poop scoop?
I know it is ONLY cat sh1t but try the following link.
As frustrating as it is, and believe me, despite being a cat and dog owner I can really appreciate that it is...what exactly do you want Mrs Next Door to do?

Have you suggested, nicely, to her that she picks it up? With all due respect if you're failing to stop it crapping on your pathway I hardly think she'll have much success either.
No ummmm, you're expected to train your little love to crap in the box so as to be the responsibility of the owner and not to inconvenience others.
A bit like training dogs and children.
Cats aren't "special".
Jomifl - shooting a cat with a BB gun would get you into serious trouble with the police for animal cruelty!

If I ever found out that someone shot my cats there would be no holding me back!

But I am lucky my cats don't go to the loo outside!
Thank God I've a housecat, I couldn't cope with the stress!
Some cats stay out all night or all day. You think they will return home to use the loo?
One of mine uses the litter tray - the others go outside. They won't come in to poo, any more than I'd come all the way home to go to the loo if I'm on a day out.

You don't have to touch the poo, use a shovel.
^ and PS I'd rather have cat poo to clear up than human sick, if you live round the corner from the pub like we do.
Cats like gravel to crap on. Slab your driveway. You'll get your money back saving on wear and tear on your tyres.
Training a cat to sh1t in a litter tray won't stop it going elsewhere if it is out and about. The only way to stop that with certainty would be to keep the cat indoors.
Daffy, mine actually come in after being out for a couple of hours and use the tray so I am pretty sure they don't go outside!
What if you go out though?
Who me ummm?

i don't let my cats out unless I am in! they are so spoilt they only like to come in through the door or kitchen window and I can't leave them open when I am out.
Mine goes in and out as he pleases.
lol @ the cat bullying the dog
Seems as though you have tried every method available so the only thing i can suggest to you is either shovel the cat crap up yourself and stop moaning or get yourself a cat, they are territoral and will deter other cats from coming on your property.
Someone told me they don't like orange peel so you could try that if it's in the same place all of the time.
My cat is never out when we are out. She come in like a dog when we call her and she will not under any circumstances wee or poo outside. She rushes in to use the cat litter!! Next door's ferral cats poo in our garden.
Get cat crap in my garden regularly as there are about 6/7 cats within a few hundred yards of my house. Leave it to dry, pick it up with a tissue and flush down the toilet. That's what I do anyway.
Easy peasy ain't it Maggie. Mind you the ferrals next door dig up Mr LL's newly planted veggies. He doesn't complain - he loves cats.

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